Open-label study of s-citalopram therapy of chronic fatigue syndrome and co-morbid major depressive disorder


OBJECTIVE: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating disorder with prominent symptoms of malaise, fatigue, myalgia, arthralgia, and impaired concentration. The symptoms of CFS may often overlap those of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Treatment of CFS has generally been disappointing. We hypothesized that s-citalopram therapy may improve the symptoms of both disorders in CFS patients with co-morbid depression.

METHODS: 16 patients received s-citalopram 10 mg to 20 mg daily for up to 12 weeks. Outcome measures of CFS included the Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire (CFQ), the multi-dimensional Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS), the CFS symptom rating (CFS-SR) 100 mm visual analogue scale, and the clinical global impressions severity (CGI/S) and change (CGI/C) ratings. Secondary outcomes of MDD included the Hamilton Depression Rating (HAM-D), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and the CGI/S and CGI/C ratings of MDD.

RESULTS: We observed reductions in the mean CFQ score (p<0.0005), FIS score (p<0.0005), and CGI/S (p<0.0005) and CGI/C (p<0.0005) ratings over time. There was a significant improvement in 5 of the 8 CFS-SR symptoms: post-exertion malaise (p=0.001), headaches (p<0.0005), un-refreshing sleep (p<0.0005), and impaired memory and concentration (p<0.0005). There was also a reduction in mean HAM-D (p<0.0005), BDI (p<0.0005), CGI/S (p=0.001) and CGI/C (p<0.0005) ratings of MDD.

LIMITATIONS: The sample size was limited and the study design was not double-blind or placebo controlled.

CONCLUSION: We observed a significant reduction in both CFS and co-morbid MDD symptom severity ratings, and improvement in 5 of 8 core somatic symptoms of CFS during s-citalopram therapy.


Source: Amsterdam JD, Shults J, Rutherford N. Open-label study of s-citalopram therapy of chronic fatigue syndrome and co-morbid major depressive disorder. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2008 Jan 1;32(1):100-6. Epub 2007 Aug 3.


Combined dexamethasone/corticotropin-releasing factor test in chronic fatigue syndrome


BACKGROUND: Studies of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) point to hypofunction, although there are negative reports. Suggested mechanisms include a reduced hypothalamic or supra-hypothalamic stimulus to the HPA axis and enhanced sensitivity to the negative feedback of glucocorticoids. The aim of the current study was to investigate HPA axis function in CFS with the dexamethasone/corticotropin-releasing factor (Dex/CRF) test, in analogy with research in affective disorders.

METHOD: Thirty-four well-characterized female CFS patients and 25 healthy control subjects participated in the low-dose Dex/CRF test. Current major depressive episode was an exclusion criterion. History of early-life stress (ELS) was assessed with the Structured Trauma Interview.

RESULTS: Salivary cortisol responses after 0.5 mg Dex were lower in CFS patients than in controls (before 100 microg CRF, p=0.038; after 100 microg CRF, p=0.015). A secondary analysis revealed an influence of early-life stress and of oestrogen intake. After removal of the 10 participants who were taking an oral oestrogen, patients without a history of ELS showed lower cortisol responses than patients with ELS and controls (before CRF, p=0.005; after CRF, p=0.008).

CONCLUSIONS: CFS is globally associated with reduced cortisol responses in the combined low-dose Dex/CRF test, but this effect is only clearly present in CFS patients without a history of ELS. This study provides further support for an enhanced glucocorticoid negative feedback and/or a reduced central HPA axis drive in CFS. Furthermore, it demonstrates that ELS is an important variable to consider in CFS research.


Source: Van Den Eede F, Moorkens G, Hulstijn W, Van Houdenhove B, Cosyns P, Sabbe BG, Claes SJ. Combined dexamethasone/corticotropin-releasing factor test in chronic fatigue syndrome. Psychol Med. 2008 Jul;38(7):963-73. Epub 2007 Sep 6.


Hyperventilation in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: the role of coping strategies


Hyperventilation has been suggested as a concomitant and possible maintaining factor that may contribute to the symptom pattern of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Because patients accepting the illness and trying to live with it seem to have a better prognosis than patients chronically fighting it, we investigated breathing behavior during different coping response sets towards the illness in patients with CFS (N=30, CDC criteria).

Patients imagined a relaxation script (baseline), a script describing a coping response of hostile resistance, and a script depicting acceptance of the illness and its (future) consequences. During each imagery trial, end-tidal PCO2 (Handheld Capnograph, Oridion) was measured. After each trial, patients filled out a symptom checklist. Results showed low resting values of PetCO2 overall, while only imagery of hostile resistance triggered a decrease and deficient recovery of PetCO2. Also, more hyperventilation complaints and complaints of other origin were reported during hostile resistance imagery compared with acceptance and relaxation.

In conclusion, hostile resistance seems to trigger both physiological and symptom perception processes contributing to the clinical picture of CFS.


Source: Bogaerts K, Hubin M, Van Diest I, De Peuter S, Van Houdenhove B, Van Wambeke P, Crombez G, Van den Bergh O. Hyperventilation in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: the role of coping strategies. Behav Res Ther. 2007 Nov;45(11):2679-90. Epub 2007 Jul 20.


Identity and coping experiences in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a synthesis of qualitative studies


OBJECTIVE: To provide insight into patients’ and doctors’ experiences with CFS.

METHODS: We compiled available qualitative studies and applied meta-ethnography to identify and translate across the studies. Analysis provided second-order interpretation of the original findings and developed third-order constructs from a line of arguments.

RESULTS: Twenty qualitative studies on CFS experiences were identified. Symptom experiences and the responses from significant others could jeopardise the patients’ senses of identity. They felt severely ill, yet blamed and dismissed. Patients’ beliefs and causal attributions oppose the doctor’s understanding of the condition. For the patient, getting a diagnosis and knowing more was necessary for recovery. Doctors were reluctant towards the diagnosis, and struggle to maintain professional authority. For patients, experience of discreditation could lead to withdrawal and behavioural disengagement.

CONCLUSION: The identities of CFS patients are challenged when the legitimacy of their illness is questioned. This significant burden adds to a loss of previously established identity and makes the patient more vulnerable than just suffering from the symptoms. CFS patients work hard to cope with their condition by knowing more, keeping a distance to protect themselves and learning more about their limits.

PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Doctors can support patients’ coping by supporting the strong sides of the patients instead of casting doubt upon them.


Source: Larun L, Malterud K. Identity and coping experiences in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a synthesis of qualitative studies. Patient Educ Couns. 2007 Dec;69(1-3):20-8. Epub 2007 Aug 14.


The relationship between chronic fatigue and somatization syndrome: a general population survey


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of chronic fatigue (CF) and its association with somatization syndrome [Somatization Syndrome Index (SSI) 4/6: >/=4 somatoform symptoms in men, 6 in women] in the general population.

METHODS: A representative sample of the German population (N=2412) completed a fatigue questionnaire and a screening instrument for current somatoform symptoms (Screening for Somatoform Symptoms 7).

RESULTS: The prevalence rate of CF was 6.1% (n=147). Females were affected significantly more often as compared with males (7% vs. 5.1%). The mean number of somatoform symptoms was higher in CF cases than in control subjects without CF (11 vs. 2; P<.001). Seventy-two percent of the subjects with CF fulfilled the SSI4/6 criterion for somatization syndrome. Quality of life (EUROHIS-QOL and 8-item Short-Form Health Survey) and well-being (5-item WHO Well-Being Index) were markedly decreased in CF and SSI4/6. The results of regression analyses suggest that fatigue and somatization severity had a similar impact on quality of life.

CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that CF is relevant in the general population. Its substantial overlap with somatization syndrome supports the hypothesis that the two syndromes are only partially different manifestations of the same underlying processes.


Source: Martin A, Chalder T, Rief W, Braehler E. The relationship between chronic fatigue and somatization syndrome: a general population survey. J Psychosom Res. 2007 Aug;63(2):147-56.


Overview of psychiatric therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is recognized as a special condition based on abnormality of psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunological system, which is caused by several cytokines and autoantibodies. For CFS diagnosis, it is required to exclude psychiatric diseases which could cause chronic fatigue. On the other hand, recent studies proved the effectiveness cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT) for CFS. Distorted cognition relevant to CFS includes the characteristics such as over adaptation, perfectionism, avoidance and so on. In the CBT for CFS, it is important to quit seeking physical causes, to accept the pathological state as it is, to monitor daily activity and recognize the cognitive and behavioral patterns which might prolong fatigue, to maintain a constant activity level and to make planned increases in activity.


Source: Yamadera W, Itoh H. Overview of psychiatric therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome. Nihon Rinsho. 2007 Jun;65(6):1082-6. [Article in Japanese]


Psychological symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome


Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) frequently complain of psychological symptoms including depression, anxiety, and neuropsychological impairment. In addition, patients with CFS have been reported to be more likely to have psychiatric diseases such as major depressive disorder, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and personality disorder.

In the present review article, psychological symptoms and psychiatric comorbidity in CFS patients were introduced. In addition, differentiation between CFS and psychiatric disorders were discussed, because there have been few studies on comorbidity and differentiation between CFS and undifferentiated somatoform disorder although there has been heated debate about the existence of CFS itself.


Source: Yoshiuchi K. Psychological symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome. Nihon Rinsho. 2007 Jun;65(6):1023-7. [Article in Japanese]


A longitudinal study of the relationship between psychological distress and recurrence of upper respiratory tract infections in chronic fatigue syndrome


OBJECTIVES: Previous research has found that chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients report increased susceptibility to upper respiratory tract illnesses (URTIs) when compared with healthy volunteers. This study aimed to replicate and extend this research by investigating the role of psychological distress (stress and negative mood) in the recurrence of URTIs in CFS patients as well as its role in the recurrence of CFS symptoms.

DESIGN: A 15-week diary study.

METHODS: Measures of psychological stress, negative mood, recurrence of URTIs and symptoms were recorded each week for a 15-week period. CFS patients (N=21), who had been assessed and diagnosed according to the Oxford criteria, were recruited from the Cardiff Chronic Fatigue Clinic and compared with a matched group of healthy controls (N=18). Frequency of occurrence of infectious illness and the relationship between psychological stress/negative mood and occurrence of illness were assessed.

RESULTS: CFS patients reported more URTIs than the controls. Stress scores (and negative mood) were significantly higher in the week prior to the occurrence of URTIs than in weeks when no subsequent illness occurred. High levels of psychological stress also preceded the severity of reported symptoms of fatigue in the CFS group.

CONCLUSIONS: CFS patients reported more frequent URTIs than healthy controls and these recurrences were preceded by high levels of psychological stress. High levels of stress were also associated with greater subsequent fatigue. Possible explanations of these results are discussed.


Source: Faulkner S, Smith A. A longitudinal study of the relationship between psychological distress and recurrence of upper respiratory tract infections in chronic fatigue syndrome. Br J Health Psychol. 2008 Feb;13(Pt 1):177-86.


The ME Bandwagon and other labels: constructing the genuine case in talk about a controversial illness


This paper examines the discourse of morality surrounding ‘ME’ as a contested illness, looking at how GPs and ME group members differentiate between the category of ‘genuine ME sufferer’ and the ‘bandwagon’. ‘Jumping on the bandwagon’ is a metaphor commonly used to describe the activity of ‘following the crowd’ in order to gain an advantage. This discursive analysis shows how ‘bandwagon’ categories are constructed in contrast to the category of genuine sufferer.

People who jump on the bandwagon are accused of matching their symptoms to media stereotypes, adopting trendy illnesses (‘fads’), or using ‘tickets’ to avoid facing up to psychological illnesses. Both GPs and ME group members construct a differential moral ordering of physical and psychological illness categories, where the latter assumes a lesser status. The paper concludes that against a background of medical uncertainty and controversy, the ‘bandwagon’ and other derogatory labels function as contrast categories that work to establish the existence of ‘ME’ as a genuine illness.


Source: Horton-Salway M. The ME Bandwagon and other labels: constructing the genuine case in talk about a controversial illness. Br J Soc Psychol. 2007 Dec;46(Pt 4):895-914.


Is cognitive behaviour therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome also effective for pain symptoms?


Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) frequently report chronic pain symptoms. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for CFS results in a reduction of fatigue, but is not aimed at pain symptoms. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that a successful treatment of CFS can also lead to a reduction of pain. The second objective was to explore possible mechanisms of changes in pain. The third objective was to assess the predictive value of pain for treatment outcome. Data from two previous CBT studies were used, one of adult CFS patients (n=96) and one of adolescent CFS patients (n=32).

Pain severity was assessed with a daily self-observation list at baseline and post-treatment. The location of pain in adults was assessed with the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ). Patients were divided into recovered and non-recovered groups. Recovery was defined as reaching a post-treatment level of fatigue within normal range. Recovered adult and adolescent CFS patients reported a significant reduction of pain severity compared to non-recovered patients. Recovered adult patients also had fewer pain locations following treatment. The decrease in fatigue predicted the change in pain severity. In adult patients, a higher pain severity at baseline was associated with a negative treatment outcome.


Source: Knoop H, Stulemeijer M, Prins JB, van der Meer JW, Bleijenberg G. Is cognitive behaviour therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome also effective for pain symptoms? Behav Res Ther. 2007 Sep;45(9):2034-43. Epub 2007 Mar 14.