Chronic fatigue syndrome and experience with the Lightning Process

The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalopathy (CFS/ME) is not well understood and is disputed, and therapeutic options are limited. Many patients who attended the Lightning Process course reported positive effects. This should lead to a randomised controlled intervention trial.

Since 2008 several thousand patients with CFS/ME have attended the Lightning Process (LP) course in Norway (1). The course is a three-day intensive brain rehearsal programme with the option for follow-up. Although what triggers CFS/ME in the individual case may vary, it is assumed that symptoms maintenance and chronification can be attributed to a stress response with elevated state of alertness and persisting activation of the sympathetic nervous system, driven by classic and operant conditioning mechanisms. The Lightning Process is based on these theories of stress.

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Source: Landmark L, Lindgren RM, Sivertsen B, Magnus P, Conradi S, Thorvaldsen SN, Stanghelle JK. Chronic fatigue syndrome and experience with the Lightning Process. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2016 Mar 15;136(5):396. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.15.1214. ECollection 2016. [Article in English, Norwegian] (Full article)


Significant other behavioural responses and patient chronic fatigue syndrome symptom fluctuations in the context of daily life: An experience sampling study


OBJECTIVE: Significant other responses to patients’ symptoms are important for patient illness outcomes in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME); negative responses have been associated with increased patient depression, whilst increased disability and fatigue have been associated with solicitous significant other responses. The current study aimed to examine the relationship between significant other responses and patient outcomes within the context of daily life.

DESIGN: Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM).

METHOD: Twenty-three patients with CFS/ME and their significant others were recruited from specialist CFS/ME services. Sixty momentary assessments, delivered using individual San Francisco Android Smartphones, were conducted over a period of 6 days. All participants reported on affect, dyadic contact, and significant other responses to the patient. Patients reported on symptom severity, disability, and activity management strategies.

RESULTS: Negative significant other responses were associated with increased patient symptom severity and distress reported at the same momentary assessment; there was evidence of a potentially mediating role of concurrent distress on symptom severity. Patient-perceived solicitous responses were associated with reduced patient activity and disability reported at the same momentary assessment. Lagged analyses indicate that momentary associations between significant other responses and patient outcomes are largely transitory; significant other responses were not associated with any of the patient outcomes at the subsequent assessment.

CONCLUSION: The results indicate that significant other responses are important influences on the day-to-day experience of CFS/ME. Further research examining patient outcomes in association with specific significant other behavioural responses is warranted and future interventions that target such significant other behaviours may be beneficial. Statement of contribution What is already known on this subject? The existing literature has identified that significant other responses are important with respect to patient outcomes in CFS/ME. In particular, when examined cross-sectionally and longitudinally, negative and solicitous significant other responses are associated with poorer illness outcomes. This study is the first to examine the momentary associations between negative and solicitous responses, as reported by the patient and significant other, and patient-reported outcomes. An ESM paradigm was used to assess these temporal relationships within the context of participants’ daily life. What does this study add? Negative responses were associated with increased momentary patient distress and symptoms. Perceived solicitousness was associated with activity limitation but less perceived disability. The impact of significant other responses on patient outcomes was found to be transitory.

© 2015 The Authors. British Journal of Health Psychology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Psychological Society.


Source: Band R, Barrowclough C, Emsley R, Machin M, Wearden AJ. Significant other behavioural responses and patient chronic fatigue syndrome symptom fluctuations in the context of daily life: An experience sampling study. Br J Health Psychol. 2016 Sep;21(3):499-514. doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12179. Epub 2015 Dec 24. (Full article)


Therapist Effects and the Impact of Early Therapeutic Alliance on Symptomatic Outcome in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Erratum in


Few studies have examined therapist effects and therapeutic alliance (TA) in treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Therapist effects are the differences in outcomes achieved by different therapists. TA is the quality of the bond and level of agreement regarding the goals and tasks of therapy. Prior research suffers the methodological problem that the allocation of therapist was not randomized, meaning therapist effects may be confounded with selection effects.

We used data from a randomized controlled treatment trial of 296 people with CFS. The trial compared pragmatic rehabilitation (PR), a nurse led, home based self-help treatment, a counselling-based treatment called supportive listening (SL), with general practitioner treatment as usual. Therapist allocation was randomized. Primary outcome measures, fatigue and physical functioning were assessed blind to treatment allocation. TA was measured in the PR and SL arms. Regression models allowing for interactions were used to examine relationships between (i) therapist and therapeutic alliance, and (ii) therapist and average treatment effect (the difference in mean outcomes between different treatment conditions).

We found no therapist effects. We found no relationship between TA and the average treatment effect of a therapist. One therapist formed stronger alliances when delivering PR compared to when delivering SL (effect size 0.76, SE 0.33, 95% CI 0.11 to 1.41). In these therapies for CFS, TA does not influence symptomatic outcome. The lack of significant therapist effects on outcome may result from the trial’s rigorous quality control, or random therapist allocation, eliminating selection effects. Further research is needed.



Source: Goldsmith LP, Dunn G, Bentall RP, Lewis SW, Wearden AJ. Therapist Effects and the Impact of Early Therapeutic Alliance on Symptomatic Outcome in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. PLoS One. 2015 Dec 14;10(12):e0144623. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0144623. ECollection 2015. (Full article)


The Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Depression and Low Self-Esteem in the Context of Pediatric Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME): A Case Study


PROBLEM: Up to one in three young people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) also has depressive symptoms. It is not known how best to treat young people with this comorbidity.

METHOD: This case report seeks to describe and discuss the use of a cognitive behavioral approach for depression and low self-esteem in a 16-year-old girl with CFS/ME.

FINDINGS/CONCLUSION: Therapy was effective in remediating the young person’s mood difficulties, but appeared to exacerbate their CFS/ME symptoms. Therefore, it is crucial that CFS/ME and mood treatments are designed and trialed to ensure a complementary approach. Good communication and joint working between involved professionals is also important, and ideally, treatments for mood and for CFS/ME would be provided by the same team to facilitate this.

© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


Source: Loades M. The Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Depression and Low Self-Esteem in the Context of Pediatric Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME): A Case Study. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs. 2015 Nov;28(4):165-74. doi: 10.1111/jcap.12125. Epub 2015 Oct 16.


Randomised controlled trial of cognitive behaviour therapy delivered in groups of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome


BACKGROUND: Meta-analyses have been inconclusive about the efficacy of cognitive behaviour therapies (CBTs) delivered in groups of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) due to a lack of adequate studies.

METHODS: We conducted a pragmatic randomised controlled trial with 204 adult CFS patients from our routine clinical practice who were willing to receive group therapy. Patients were equally allocated to therapy groups of 8 patients and 2 therapists, 4 patients and 1 therapist or a waiting list control condition. Primary analysis was based on the intention-to-treat principle and compared the intervention group (n = 136) with the waiting list condition (n = 68). The study was open label.

RESULTS: Thirty-four (17%) patients were lost to follow-up during the course of the trial. Missing data were imputed using mean proportions of improvement based on the outcome scores of similar patients with a second assessment. Large and significant improvement in favour of the intervention group was found on fatigue severity (effect size = 1.1) and overall impairment (effect size = 0.9) at the second assessment. Physical functioning and psychological distress improved moderately (effect size = 0.5). Treatment effects remained significant in sensitivity and per-protocol analyses. Subgroup analysis revealed that the effects of the intervention also remained significant when both group sizes (i.e. 4 and 8 patients) were compared separately with the waiting list condition.

CONCLUSIONS: CBT can be effectively delivered in groups of CFS patients. Group size does not seem to affect the general efficacy of the intervention which is of importance for settings in which large treatment groups are not feasible due to limited referral.

© 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel.


Source: Wiborg JF, van Bussel J, van Dijk A, Bleijenberg G, Knoop H. Randomised controlled trial of cognitive behaviour therapy delivered in groups of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Psychother Psychosom. 2015;84(6):368-76. doi: 10.1159/000438867. Epub 2015 Sep 25.



Tom Kindlon 2015 Oct 06 4:36 p.m.

No objective outcome measures were used

This trial just used subjective outcome measures. Objective outcome measures are important as subjective outcome measures may not translate into objective improvements with graded activity-oriented interventions in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) (1-3). Examples of more objective outcome measures that have been used in CFS interventional studies include actigraphy, employment data, disability payments data and exercise testing.


1 Kewley AJ. Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Graded Exercise Therapy Reduce Disability in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients? Objective Measures Are Necessary. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 2013:20;321-322.

2 Wiborg JF, Knoop H, Stulemeijer M, Prins JB, Bleijenberg G. How does cognitive behaviour therapy reduce fatigue in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome? The role of physical activity. Psychol Med. 2010:40;1281-7.

3 Kindlon T. Comment on: Exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome.

The planning, implementation and publication of a complex intervention trial for chronic fatigue syndrome: the PACE trial


The PACE trial was a four-arm trial of specialist medical care, compared with specialist medical care with a supplementary therapy: adaptive pacing therapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy or graded exercise therapy, for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. The trial found that both cognitive-behavioural and graded exercise therapies were more effective than either of the other two treatments in reducing fatigue and improving physical disability. This paper describes the design, conduct and main results of the trial, along with a description of the challenges that had to be overcome in order to produce clear answers to the clinically important questions the trial posed.


Source: White PD, Chalder T, Sharpe M. The planning, implementation and publication of a complex intervention trial for chronic fatigue syndrome: the PACE trial. BJPsych Bull. 2015 Feb;39(1):24-7. doi: 10.1192/pb.bp.113.045005. (Full article)


Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Results From the LifeLines Cohort Study


OBJECTIVE: Functional somatic syndromes (FSSs) have often been linked to psychopathology. The aim of the current study was to compare prevalence rates of psychiatric disorders among individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FM), and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

METHODS: This study was conducted in 94,516 participants (mean [standard deviation] age = 44.6 [12.5] years, 58.7% women) of the general-population cohort LifeLines. FSSs were assessed by self-reports. Mood disorders (i.e., major depressive disorder and dysthymia) and anxiety disorders (i.e., generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, panic disorder with/without agoraphobia, and agoraphobia) were assessed by means of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Risks on psychiatric disorders were compared for individuals with CFS, FM, and IBS by using logistic regression analyses adjusted for age and sex.

RESULTS: Prevalence rates of CFS, FM, and IBS were 1.3%, 3.0%, and 9.7%, respectively. Individuals with CFS, FM, and IBS had significantly more mood (odds ratios [ORs] = 1.72-5.42) and anxiety disorders (ORs = 1.52-3.96) than did individuals without FSSs, but prevalence rates were low (1.6%-28.6%). Individuals with CFS more often had mood (ORs = 2.00-4.08) and anxiety disorders (ORs = 1.63-2.32) than did individuals with FM and IBS. Major depressive disorder was more common in FM than in IBS (OR = 1.58, 95% confidence interval = 1.24-2.01), whereas these groups did not differ on dysthymia or anxiety disorders.

CONCLUSIONS: Mood and anxiety disorders are more prevalent in individuals with FSSs, and particularly CFS, than in individuals without FSSs. However, most individuals with FSSs do not have mood or anxiety disorders.


Source: Janssens KA, Zijlema WL, Joustra ML, Rosmalen JG. Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Results From the LifeLines Cohort Study. Psychosom Med. 2015 May;77(4):449-57. doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000161.


The experience of sleep in chronic fatigue syndrome: A qualitative interview study with patients


OBJECTIVES: Sleep disturbances are common in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and one of the key symptom complaints, yet it has been neglected by previous qualitative research. The aim was to explore the specific role of sleep in patients’ experience of their illness.

DESIGN: A qualitative semi-structured interview format facilitated a detailed and open exploration of sleep, and the extent to which its management and problems were linked to the lived experience of CFS.

METHODS: Eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted with individuals with CFS. Data were transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically, to explore and describe patients’ experience of their sleep, and its impact on their condition.

RESULTS: Sleep emerged as a key aspect of the illness experience, and its management and effect on daytime functioning was a central pre-occupation for all 11 participants; all of them saw sleep as playing a critical role in their illness through either maintaining or exacerbating existing symptoms. Exploration of individual experiences presented three overarching themes: (1) sleep pattern variability over illness course and from day to day; (2) effect of sleep on daytime functioning; and (3) attempts at coping and sleep management.

CONCLUSIONS: Each patient with CFS has a unique experience of sleep. Despite the differing narratives regarding the role of sleep in CFS, all participants held the belief that sleep is a vital process for health and well-being which has had a direct bearing on the course and progression of their CFS. Also, every participant regarded their sleep as in some way ‘broken’ and in need of management/repair. Patients’ insights demonstrate sleep-specific influences on their CFS, and the impact of disturbed sleep should be a consideration for clinical and research work.

STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTION: What is already known on this subject? Sleep disturbances are common in CFS, and one of the key symptom complaints, yet it has been neglected by previous qualitative research. Ontology of CFS is a matter of dispute, with models ranging from the biological to the psychological competing to explain symptomatology in this illness. A qualitative study has the potential to add some clarity to the debate by making the patients’ lived experience of the condition, and their own understanding of it, the focus of research. What this study adds? Coping and attempts at managing sleep problems in CFS adds to the ‘illness burden’ experienced by patients. Disturbed sleep is universally seen by patients with CFS as impacting on other daytime symptoms. Broken sleep may contribute to a biopsychosocial cycle that serves to maintain this illness.

© 2015 The British Psychological Society.


Source: Gotts ZM, Newton JL, Ellis JG, Deary V. The experience of sleep in chronic fatigue syndrome: A qualitative interview study with patients. Br J Health Psychol. 2016 Feb;21(1):71-92. doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12136. Epub 2015 Feb 26.


The Process of Change in Pain During Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


BACKGROUND: Cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) leads to a reduction of fatigue and pain in chronic fatigue syndrome. The processes underlying the reduction in pain have not been investigated. Recently, it was shown that increased self-efficacy, decreased focusing on symptoms, increased physical functioning, and a change in beliefs about activity contribute to the decrease in fatigue.

OBJECTIVES: The present study has 2 objectives: (1) to determine the relationship between the reduction of fatigue and pain during CBT; (2) test to what extent the model for change in fatigue is applicable to the reduction in pain.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred forty-two patients meeting United States centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome, currently reporting pain, and starting CBT were included. A cross-lagged analysis was performed to study the causal direction of change between pain and fatigue. Pain and process variables were assessed before therapy, 3 times during CBT, and after therapy. Actual physical activity was also assessed. The model was tested with multiple regression analyses.

RESULTS: The direction of change between pain and fatigue could not be determined. An increase in physical functioning and decrease in focusing on symptoms explained 4% to 14% of the change in pain.

CONCLUSIONS: Pain and fatigue most probably decrease simultaneously during CBT. Pain reduction can partly be explained by a reduction of symptom focusing and increased physical functioning. Additional, yet unknown cognitive-behavioral factors also play a role in the reduction of pain.


Source: Bloot L, Heins MJ, Donders R, Bleijenberg G, Knoop H. The Process of Change in Pain During Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Clin J Pain. 2015 Oct;31(10):914-21. doi: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000191.


Cortisol output in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome: pilot study on the comparison with healthy adolescents and change after cognitive behavioural guided self-help treatment


OBJECTIVE: This study examined cortisol in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) compared to healthy adolescents and changes in cortisol after cognitive behavioural guided self-help treatment. Exploratory analyses investigated the association between cortisol output and psychological variables.

METHODS: Salivary cortisol was measured upon awakening, at 15, 30, 45 and 60 min afterwards and at 12 noon, 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., in adolescents with CFS and healthy controls (HC). Groups were matched for age, gender, menarche status, menstrual cycle and awakening time. Twenty-four adolescents with CFS provided saliva samples six months after treatment. The main outcome measure was total salivary output over the day, calculated by area under the curve (AUC). The salivary awakening response was also assessed.

RESULTS: Cortisol output over the day was significantly lower in the CFS group (n=46) than in healthy controls (n=33). Within the CFS group, lower daily cortisol output was associated with higher self-reported perfectionist striving and prosocial behaviour. There were no significant group differences in the awakening response (n=47 CFS versus n=34 HC). After treatment, adolescents with CFS (n=21) showed a significant increase in daily cortisol output, up to normal levels.

CONCLUSION: The reduced daily cortisol output in adolescents with CFS is in line with adult findings. Associations between reduced cortisol output and two psychological variables-perfectionism and prosocial behaviour-are consistent with cognitive behavioural models of chronic fatigue syndrome. The mild hypocortisolism is reversible; cortisol output had returned to healthy adolescent levels by six months after cognitive behavioural guided self-help treatment.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Source: Rimes KA, Papadopoulos AS, Cleare AJ, Chalder T. Cortisol output in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome: pilot study on the comparison with healthy adolescents and change after cognitive behavioural guided self-help treatment. J Psychosom Res. 2014 Nov;77(5):409-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2014.08.018. Epub 2014 Sep 8.