About AMMES Connect

AMMES Connect is the American ME and CFS Society’s classified ad service developed specifically for the ME/CFS community in the United States. It allows you to place free classified advertisements for jobs, housing, items wanted, services, community events, rides and free stuff, among others, to aid you in meeting your specific needs depending on your locale.

Account creation

Before you can place or respond to an ad, you have to login with your account. Click here to register or login.

To register, you have to enter your email address and a password. Once you’ve done so, check your inbox for the verification email and click on the link to activate your account.
Forgot the password for your account? Request a password reset.

How to place an ad

All ads are free of charge.* Follow the steps below to submit your ad:

  1. Login to the website. From the main menu of AMMES Connect, click on the ‘Place Ad’ button or select the ‘Place Ad’ link from the sidebar.
  2. Select a Category from the drop down menu–scroll down to select that is OFFERED or WANTED. Then click on ‘Continue’.
  3. Using the dropdown menus, select the state and city for the locale of your listing. If your city is not listed, click on the closest one to you that’s available.
  4. Enter the title for your ad in the ‘Listing Title’ field.
  5. Enter the ad details (up to 750 characters) in the ‘Ad Details’ field.
  6. Finally, upload the images for your ad. You can upload up to 10 images. However, image file size must be kept to 1 megabyte or less. Click the ‘Complete Ad’ button when you are finished.
  7. A confirmation email with ad details will be automatically sent to you. Be sure to save it for future use–it contains specific links for managing your ad.

*All ads must be approved according to the AMMES Connect terms of service. Please allow 24 hours for your ad to become activated.


How long does my ad last? Your ad will expire after 30 days. An expiration email will be sent to notify you once it expires.

How do I renew my ad? A renewal email with your listing URL will be automatically sent 3 days before it expires.

How do I edit my ad? Click on the listing URL in the confirmation email for your ad, then click on the ‘Edit’ ad link.

How do I delete my ad? Click on the listing URL in the confirmation email for your ad, then click on the ‘Delete’ ad link.

Where is my confirmation e-mail? Please search your email inbox for the following subject line: “Your AMMES Classified Ad listing has been submitted”. If it still doesn’t come up, you may want to check your spam folder.

When will my ad become active? Please allow at least 24 hours for ad approval. If your ad is still not active after 24 hours, you may send us a message.

What should I do if my locale is not listed? AMMES Connect has over 500 major U.S. cities serving metropolitan areas across all 50 states. The city is not required, but it is highly recommended. Please select the city which is closest to you and indicate your specific locale in the listing title.

Is the a way to have AMMES Connect only show ads in my area? Yes, you can set the default location for displaying listings by selecting a particular state/city and clicking on the ‘Set Location’ button. To show all ads throughout the U.S., click on the ‘Clear Location’ button.

What should I do if my picture file size is larger than 1 megabyte? Your picture needs to be resized and/or downsampled to reduce the file size to no more than 1 megabyte before you upload it. There are ways to resize images in Windows 10 without using any extra third-party software.

How can I provide you my feedback? Fill out our brief feedback survey.