Sleep, neuroimmune and neuroendocrine functions in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome


The justification for disordered chronobiology for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is based on the following evidence: The studies on disordered sleep physiology and the symptoms of fibromyalgia and CFS; the experimental studies that draw a link between interleukin-1 (IL-1), immune-neuroendocrine-thermal systems and the sleep-wake cycle; studies and preliminary data of the inter-relationships of sleep-wakefulness, IL-1, and aspects of peripheral immune and neuroendocrine functions in healthy men and in women during differing phases of the menstrual cycle; and the observations of alterations in the immune-neuroendocrine functions of patients with fibromyalgia and CFS (Moldofsky, 1993b, d). Time series analyses of measures of the circadian pattern of the sleep-wake behavioural system, immune, neuroendocrine and temperature functions in patients with fibromyalgia and CFS should determine whether alterations of aspects of the neuro-immune-endocrine systems that accompany disordered sleep physiology result in nonrestorative sleep, pain, fatigue, cognitive and mood symptoms in patients with fibromyalgia and CFS.


Source: Moldofsky H. Sleep, neuroimmune and neuroendocrine functions in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Adv Neuroimmunol. 1995;5(1):39-56.


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