Autoimmunity in Long Covid and POTS


Orthostatic intolerance and other autonomic dysfunction syndromes are emerging as distinct symptom clusters in Long Covid. Often accompanying these are common, multi-system constitutional features such as fatigue, malaise and skin rashes which can signify generalised immune dysregulation. At the same time, multiple autoantibodies are identified in both Covid-related autonomic disorders and non-Covid autonomic disorders, implying a possible underlying autoimmune pathology. The lack of specificity of these findings precludes direct interpretations of cause and association, but prevalence with its supporting evidence is compelling.

In this review, we discuss the role of the autonomic nervous and immune systems in Covid and Long Covid and their potential influence on symptoms and clinical practice. Additionally, overlap with non-Covid autonomic dysfunction is considered. Understanding these new disorders can inform both neuro-immunology and Long Covid management.

Source: Fatema-Zahra El-Rhermoul, Artur Fedorowski, Philip Eardley, Patricia Taraborrelli, Dimitrios Panagopoulos, Richard Sutton, Phang Boon Lim, Melanie Dani, Autoimmunity in Long Covid and POTS, Oxford Open Immunology, 2023;, iqad002, (Full text available as PDF file)

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