Known unknowns, and as yet medically unexplained diseases

Seen from the outside, the process of scientific exploration of diseases seems chaotic and confusing. Indeed, from within, it is tempting to deduce that clinical academics are chaotic and confused.

To be fair, that is an appropriate deduction. Einstein famously said, ‘If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn’t be called research.’ The vast majority of medical research can be compared to solving a particularly complex crossword puzzle. We start with the ‘easy answers’, then progress to the deducible, before staring endlessly at the problems that don’t make sense to us. The hope is that the pieces we already have will enable us to fill the gaps and produce a semblance of sense.

Practising medicine often does not allow this freedom of thought. If the CRP is falling, the antibiotics are working; if it is rising, they’re not; fracture is a fracture; air under the diaphragm represents burst viscera.

Where, then, do we place conditions that we don’t as yet have diagnostic tests for?

Read the rest of this article HERE.

Source: Known unknowns, and as yet medically unexplained diseases by David Strain. BMA, May 12, 2022.

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