Predictors of Post-Infectious Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Adolescents


This study focused on identifying risk factors for adolescent post-infectious chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), utilizing a prospective, nested case-control longitudinal design in which over 300 teenagers with Infectious Mononucleosis (IM) were identified through primary care sites and followed.

Baseline variables that were gathered several months following IM, included autonomic symptoms, days in bed since IM, perceived stress, stressful life events, family stress, difficulty functioning and attending school, family stress and psychiatric disorders. A number of variables were predictors of post-infectious CFS at 6 months; however, when autonomic symptoms were used as a control variable, only days spent in bed since mono was a significant predictor. Step-wise logistic regression findings indicated that baseline autonomic symptoms as well as days spent in bed since mono, which reflect the severity of illness, were the only significant predictors of those who met CFS criteria at 6 months.


Source: Jason LA, Katz BZ, Shiraishi Y, Mears CJ, Im Y, Taylor R. Predictors of Post-Infectious Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Adolescents. Health Psychol Behav Med. 2014 Jan 1;2(1):41-51. (Full article)


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