Unravelling intracellular immune dysfunctions in chronic fatigue syndrome: interactions between protein kinase R activity, RNase L cleavage and elastase activity, and their clinical relevance


This study examined possible interactions between immunological abnormalities and symptoms in CFS. Sixteen CFS patients filled in a battery of questionnaires, evaluating daily functioning, and underwent venous blood sampling, in order to analyse immunological abnormalities.

Ribonuclease (RNase) L cleavage was associated with RNase L activity (rs=0.570; p=0.021), protein kinase R (PKR) (rs=0.716; p=0.002) and elastase activity (rs=0.500; p=0.049). RNase L activity was related to elastase (rs=0.547; p=0.028) and PKR activity (rs=0.625; p=0.010). RNase L activity (rs=0.535; p=0.033), elastase activity (rs=0.585; p=0.017) and RNase L cleavage (rs=0.521; p=0.038) correlated with daily functioning.

This study suggests that in CFS patients an increase in elastase activity and subsequent RNase L cleavage is accompanied by increased activity of both the PKR and RNase L enzymes. RNase L and elastase activity are related to daily functioning, thus evidence supporting the clinical importance of these immune dysfunctions in CFS patients was provided.


Source: Meeus M, Nijs J, McGregor N, Meeusen R, De Schutter G, Truijen S, Frémont M, Van Hoof E, De Meirleir K. Unravelling intracellular immune dysfunctions in chronic fatigue syndrome: interactions between protein kinase R activity, RNase L cleavage and elastase activity, and their clinical relevance. In Vivo. 2008 Jan-Feb;22(1):115-21. http://iv.iiarjournals.org/content/22/1/115.long (Full article)


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