Chronic unexplained fatigue

After more than two years’ gestation, an independent working group, set up by the previous Chief Medical Officer for England, published its final report on the subject of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in January of this year.1 This is a topical subject in the English speaking world as two other management reports have been published in the last six months, by the US government and the Australasian Royal College of Physicians.2 3 The Canadians are also close to a final draft of their own report. This has occurred at the same time as the release of two independent systematic reviews of management. Remarkably the two teams from Texas (USA) and York (UK) reached such similar conclusions that they combined their findings into the one paper.4 The York group has just published their own guidance based on their systematic review.5

You can read the rest of this editorial here:

CONFLICT OF INTEREST Dr White was one of the clinicians who resigned from the English report on CFS/ME.

Comment in: Chronic unexplained fatigue. [Postgrad Med J. 2002]


Source: White PD. Chronic unexplained fatigue. Postgrad Med J. 2002 Aug;78(922):445-6. (Full article)


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