Chronic fatigue syndrome. Distinguish between syndromes…

Comment in: Chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis. [BMJ. 1994]

Comment on: Longitudinal study of outcome of chronic fatigue syndrome. [BMJ. 1994]


EDITOR,-I note that several people writing in the BMY are still confusing myalgic encephalomyelitis with the chronic fatigue syndrome. I wish to clarify matters. From a scientist’s point of view, the main problem is not the term chronic fatigue syndrome but the various diagnostic criteria that go with it. For instance, the strict Australian definition adopted by Wilson et al is similar to that for myalgic encephalomyelitis.2 As a result, it is reasonably certain that in this article the two names probably refer to the same disease.

The “Oxford” criteria used in Britain, however, are far broader, covering all patients whose severe, unexplained fatigue has been present for at least half of the time and for at least six months. The only other requirements are that the fatigue must have had a definite onset and that it affects both physical and mental functioning. Unlike with the strict Australian definition, no immunological criteria have to be met.2 Moreover, there do not have to be appreciable fluctuations in symptoms still a major criterion for myalgic encephalomyelitis.

In terms of prevalence, a recent study found that 17 of 686 (2-5%) attenders in general practice fulfilled the Oxford criteria for the chronic fatigue syndrome.3 When a further four patients who did not meet the criterion of a definite onset were also included the estimated prevalence increased to 3%. In contrast, the prevalence of myalgic encephalomyelitis rarely exceeds 1-5 per 1000.4

Most patients who fulfil the Oxford criteria suffer not from myalgic encephalomyelitis but from more common conditions, notably depression, anxiety states, sleep disorders, and fibromyalgia. None of these disorders occur in epidemics …

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Source: Goudsmit EM. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Distinguish between syndromes… BMJ. 1994 May 14;308(6939):1297-8.


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