Seasonal symptom variation in patients with chronic fatigue: comparison with major mood disorders


The psychobiology of idiopathic fatigue has received renewed interest in the medical literature in recent years. In order to examine the relation between chronic, idiopathic fatigue and specific subtypes of depressive illness, we characterized the pattern and severity of seasonal symptom variation in 73 patients with chronic, idiopathic fatigue, compared to patients with major depression (n = 55), atypical depression (n = 35), and seasonal affective disorder (n = 16) Fifty of the fatigued subjects also met the specific Centers for Disease Control and Prevention case criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome, though this definition was unable to discriminate a distinct subgroup of patients, based on their seasonality scores alone. As a group, the fatigued subjects reported the lowest levels of symptom seasonality of any of the study groups. Further, even in those fatigued subjects with scores in the range of those seen in patients with seasonal affective disorder, seasonality was not reported to be a subjectively distressing problem. These findings lend support to the idea that although chronic fatigue shares some clinical features with certain mood disorders, they are not the same illnesses. These data are also consistent with the emerging view that chronic fatigue represents a heterogeneously determined clinical condition.


Source: Zubieta JK, Engleberg NC, Yargiç LI, Pande AC, Demitrack MA. Seasonal symptom variation in patients with chronic fatigue: comparison with major mood disorders. J Psychiatr Res. 1994 Jan-Feb;28(1):13-22.


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