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Colloidal silver solution is composed of ultrafine, non-soluble particles of silver suspended in a liquid medium such as water. It has long been used as a germicide. In the early twentieth century, colloidal silver was used in place of antibiotics. Silver was used orally, intravenously, and intramuscularly (as an injection), as a throat gargle, and in eyedrops. Colloidal silver has been used to treat such varied maladies as tonsillitis, cystitis, ringworm, and dysentery. Antibiotics have replaced silver, although silver nitrate is still used to prevent eye infection in newborn infants. Research has shown that colloidal silver may be of benefit in treating oral infections, sinusitis, sore throat, and canker sores.

USES IN ME/CFS: Some patients report that colloidal silver helps control recurring infections, particularly in the mouth.

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