Chronic fatigue, arthralgia, and malaise

A 25 year old female veterinary nurse presented with a six year history of general malaise and severe fatigue. Associated with this she described frequent (monthly) episodes of polyarthralgia affecting all joints but with a predilection for the small joints of the hands and the wrists. When present this was accompanied by mild morning stiffness. In addition she experienced colicky abdominal pain, sometimes with diarrhoea, occasionally with blood mixed with her faeces. Other complaints consisted of low back pain, sore gritty eyes, and an inability to perform any physical exercise at the time of these symptoms. Her symptoms had been remarkably consistent, with no recent change to their pattern.

Six years ago she had been on a working holiday at a veterinary practice situated in New York state, USA. After eating a dish made with “blue fish” she had immediately developed severe nausea, vomiting, and malaise. Although all her acute symptoms resolved, her other symptoms started on return to the United Kingdom. She was investigated twice, at different hospitals, before being referred to this department. It had been found that her symptoms were helped by treatment with 30 mg prednisolone daily for the severe episodes and a maintenance dose of 5 mg daily. Severe episodes were occurring three to four times a year. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, sulphasalazine, and other treatments of inflammatory bowel disease had not helped her symptoms. On all occasions the examination and investigations had been reported as normal including markers of inflammation, connective tissue disease, and radiological and histological gastrointestinal studies. No blood had been seen in her faeces. No diagnosis was made other than a seronegative arthralgia.

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Source: Gompels MM, Spickett GP. Chronic fatigue, arthralgia, and malaise. Ann Rheum Dis. 1996 Aug;55(8):502-3.