The ocular signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome


BACKGROUND: Chronic Fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a relatively newly defined clinical entity that affects multiple systems including the ocular system. These effects have not been well documented.

METHODS: 25 consecutive CFS patients were evaluated and the ocular signs and symptoms were described.

RESULTS: Significant ocular symptoms were present in all 25 patients. The most common clinical findings were abnormalities of the preocular tear film and ocular surface (19 patients) and reduced accommodation for age (18 patients).

CONCLUSIONS: CFS affects the ocular system in many ways. Eye care practitioners should pay particular attention to accommodative needs, ocular surface disease and tear film dysfunction when examining these patients. Further research into the pathophysiology of these ocular findings may lead to a better understanding of the pathophysiology of CFS.


Source: Caffery BE, Josephson JE, Samek MJ. The ocular signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. J Am Optom Assoc. 1994 Mar;65(3):187-91.


Chronic fatigue syndrome–symptoms, signs, laboratory tests, and prognosis


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an undefined clinical problem and is perceived as a complex of multiple symptomatology with an unexplained persistent fatigue. Major symptoms include fatigue lasting for more than 6 months, low-grade fever, moderate lymphadenopathy, muscle and joint pain, and various psychological presentations. Since no specific laboratory tests are available, clinical diagnosis demands that known causes of chronic fatigue should be excluded. The pathogenesis is at present unknown, but it is suspected that CFS is a physical and psychological condition associated with some unrecognized infectious agent. Further study is needed to clarify the precise pathophysiology of this newly recognized entity.


Source: Kanayama Y. Chronic fatigue syndrome–symptoms, signs, laboratory tests, and prognosis. Nihon Rinsho. 1992 Nov;50(11):2586-90. [Article in Japanese]


Symptoms and signs of chronic fatigue syndrome


This review summarizes the symptoms and signs seen in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). It is based on the authors’ experience with two cohorts of approximately 510 patients with chronic debilitating fatigue and on the reported experience of other investigators with similar patients.

The most characteristic symptoms of CFS are the sudden onset of an infectious-type illness, the subsequent chronic and debilitating fatigue, and postexertional malaise; many patients also have recurrent fevers, pharyngitis, adenopathy, myalgias, sleep disorders, and cognitive impairment.


Source: Komaroff AL, Buchwald D. Symptoms and signs of chronic fatigue syndrome. Rev Infect Dis. 1991 Jan-Feb;13 Suppl 1:S8-11.