Pharmacological treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome: focusing on the role of antidepressants


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by chronic, medically unexplained fatigue associated with effort- and stress-intolerance, widespread pain, and impairment in sleep and concentration. Although this constellation of symptoms is highly prevalent in clinical practice, the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying CFS are poorly understood. Current evidence indicates similarities in symptomatology, and possibly etiology and pathogenesis, between CFS and depression. Additionally, there is significant overlap between CFS and the syndrome of fibromyalgia for which antidepressants have shown consistent efficacy.

Data regarding antidepressant treatment of CFS is less copious and less uniformly positive, such that antidepressant use in CFS remains controversial. The current review aims to summarize available data related to antidepressants and other psychotropic agents in CFS to provide a platform for clinicians to make decisions in their treatment of this challenging syndrome.

We identified relevant studies through a PubMed literature search with a combination of the following search terms: ‘fatigue,’ ‘depression,’ ‘antidepressant,’ ‘etiology’ (e.g., ‘neurobiology,’ ‘neurotransmitter,’ ‘genetic’), ‘diagnosis,’ and ‘treatment’ (e.g., ‘antidepressant’ plus the specific name). In addition, studies were also identified via the reference sections of retrieved articles. The authors thoroughly reviewed major findings from the scanned literatures and eventually synthesized them, providing summary, interpretation, and future directions.


Source: Pae CU, Marks DM, Patkar AA, Masand PS, Luyten P, Serretti A. Pharmacological treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome: focusing on the role of antidepressants. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2009 Jul;10(10):1561-70. Doi: 10.1517/14656560902988510.


Therapeutic guidelines in chronic fatigue syndrome


The treatment of CFS is not definitive up till now and it is limited both by ignorance of its causes and by different applicable operative case definitions. It has been etiopathologically related to infectious agents, neuromuscular illnesses, neuro-endocrinous-immunologic alterations and to different psychiatric disorders, particularly depressive disorders. Consequently, a great variety of therapeutic strategies have been tried, most of them with insufficient results. Among the medicamentous ones: immunity activator agents such as recombinant interleukin-2, nonspecific immunitary modulators such as seric gamma globulin, antivirus drugs such as acyclovir, muscular relaxants such as ciclobenzaprine, H2 receptor blockers and steroid and nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, naproxen and fulbiprofen. Better results seem to have been obtained with antidepressants, and amfebutamone and serotonin-reuptake selective inhibitors are specially promising. Among the nonmedicamentous strategies, cognitive behavioural treatment can be effective and the so called “psychiatric management of the patient with CFS” has been proposed as a global, pragmatic, individualized, comprehensive approach which must be completed with other interdisciplinary interventions on the patient and his environment.


Source: Bertolín Guillén JM, Bedate Villar J. Therapeutic guidelines in chronic fatigue syndrome. Actas Luso Esp Neurol Psiquiatr Cienc Afines. 1994 May-Jun;22(3):127-30. [Article in Spanish]


Pharmacological approaches to the therapy of chronic fatigue syndrome


Although a variety of pharmacological agents have been used to treat patients with chronic fatigue syndrome none has been shown to effect a complete resolution of symptoms.

Data obtained from a retrospective study and from an objective assessment of the aerobic work capacity of patients with this disorder suggest that the underlying pathophysiological abnormality is a disorder of sleep regulation. This results not only in profound fatigue and lethargy but also reduced sensory threshold for pain, disordered temperature regulation, cardiovascular abnormalities, disturbed higher cerebral function and mental depression.

Drugs which modulate sleep, such as tricyclic antidepressants, have a limited effect in improving the symptoms that CFS patients experience. We suggest that other agents which affect central nervous system neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin, may have potential in the management of this condition and need to be evaluated in large controlled clinical trials.


Source: McCluskey DR. Pharmacological approaches to the therapy of chronic fatigue syndrome. Ciba Found Symp. 1993;173:280-7; discussion 287-97.