Chronic fatigue syndrome. Immunological findings vary between populations

Comment on: Longitudinal study of outcome of chronic fatigue syndrome. [BMJ. 1994]


Editor,-We were interested in Andrew Wilson and colleagues’ paper investigating predictors of the long term outcome of the chronic fatigue syndrome in patients in Australia. We have investigated the association between immune activation and presumed cutaneous anergy in 68 Scottish patients with the syndrome (19 cases conformed to the Centers for Disease Control’s criteria, 18 cases had been diagnosed by a consultant, 28 cases had been diagnosed by a general practitioner, and three patients referred themselves) and 22 family contacts. We assessed delayed hypersensitivity responses (using Multitest antigens and tuberculin skin tests) and evaluated peripheral blood activation markers (CD8, CD38/ CD llb/HLA-DR) using flow cytometry. Patients were classified into three groups on the basis of current severity of illness and mobility.

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Source: Abbot NC, Spence VA, Lowe JG, Potts RC, Hassan AH, Belch JJ, Beck JS. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Immunological findings vary between populations. BMJ. 1994 May 14;308(6939):1299.