The chronic fatigue syndrome


CFIDS (chronic fatigue and immune disfunction syndrome) is also known as CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), CEBV (chronic Epstein-Barr virus), M.E. (myalgic encephalomyelitis), yuppie flu and by other names.

It is a complex illness characterized by incapacitating fatigue (experienced as exhaustion and extremely poor stamina), neurological problems and a constellation of symptoms that can resemble many disorders, including; mononucleosis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, AIDS-related complex (ARC) and autoimmune diseases such as lupus. These symptoms tend to wax and wane, but any often severely debilitating and may last for many months or years. All sections of the population (including children) are at risk, but women under 45 seem to be most susceptible.

The investigators suggest that CFIDS results from dysfunction of the immune system. The exact nature of this dysfunction is not yet well defined, but it can generally be viewed as an unregulated or overactive state which is responsible for most of the symptoms. There is also evidence of some immune suppression in CFIDS. None of the treatments is consistently satisfactory, but some may be helpful: psychotherapy, physiotherapy, exercise programs, acupunctures, small doses of antidepressants, etc.


Source: Artsimovich NG, Chugunov VS, Kornev AV, Ivanova TM, Chugunov AV, Oprishchenko MA. The chronic fatigue syndrome. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 1994;94(5):47-50. [Article in Russian]


Pathogenic tracks in fatigue syndromes


This review analyses the recent literature devoted to two related fatigue syndromes: chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and acute onset postviral fatigue syndrome (PVFS). The articles are grouped into five pathogenic tracks: infectious agents, immune system, skeletic muscle, hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and psychiatric factors.

Although a particular infectious agent is unlikely to be responsible for all CFS cases, evidence is shown that host-parasite relationships are modified in a large proportion of patients with chronic fatigue. Antibody titres against infectious agents are often elevated and replication of several viruses could be increased.

Chronic activation of the immune system is also observed and could be due to the reactivation of persistent or latent infectious agents such as herpes viruses (i.e. HHV-6) or enteroviruses. It could also be favorised by an impaired negative feedback of the HPA axis on the immune system.

A model is proposed where the abnormalities of the HPA axis are primary events and are mainly responsible for a chronic activation of the immune system which in turn induces an increased replication of several viruses under the control of cellular transcription factors. These replicating viruses together with cytokines such as TNF-alpha would secondarily induce functional disorders of muscle and several aspects of asthenia itself.


Source: Moutschen M, Triffaux JM, Demonty J, Legros JJ, Lefèbvre PJ. Pathogenic tracks in fatigue syndromes. Acta Clin Belg. 1994;49(6):274-89.


Chronic fatigue syndrome: clinical condition associated with immune activation


There is much conflicting immunological and viral data about the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS); some findings support the notion that CFS may be due to one or more immune disorders that have resulted from exposure to an infectious agent.

In the present study, flow cytometry and several different recognising T, B, and natural killer (NK) cell populations as well as activation and cell adhesion antigens were used to study 147 individuals with CFS.

Compared with healthy controls, a reduced CD8 suppressor cell population and increased activation markers (CD38, HLA-DR) on CD8 cells were found. The differences were significant (p = 0.01) in patient with major symptoms of the disease. These immunological indices were not observed in 80 healthy individuals, in 22 contacts of CFS patients, or in 43 patients with other diseases.

No correlation of these findings in CFS patients with any known human viruses could be detected by serology. The findings suggest that immune activation is associated with many cases of CFS.


Source: Landay AL, Jessop C, Lennette ET, Levy JA. Chronic fatigue syndrome: clinical condition associated with . Lancet. 1991 Sep 21;338(8769):707-12.