Prevalence of chronic fatigue and chemical sensitivities in Gulf Registry Veterans


More than 68000 of the 700000 veterans of the Gulf War have become members of the Veteran Affairs’ Gulf War Registry. In 1995, we undertook a questionnaire study of the symptoms and medical histories reported by a randomly selected subsample of 1935 of these veterans to characterize their complaints. All results reported were based on questionnaire responses without face-to-face evaluation or physical examinations.

Inasmuch as initial registry symptoms overlapped those of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, we also included standard questions for these syndromes in the questionnaire. A total of 1161 (60%) individuals responded, and there were no major demographic biases; therefore, 15.7% of registry veterans qualified for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in accordance with the 1994 Centers for Disease Control definition.

In addition, 13.1% qualified for multiple chemical sensitivities in accordance with a widely used definition, and 3.3% of the respondents had both conditions. There were no effects of gender, race, branch, duty status (active or reserve), or rank, although Multiple Chemical Sensitivities was somewhat more prevalent in women and African Americans.

The data gleaned in this study suggested that the unexplained symptom syndromes of Chronic Fatigue and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities may characterize an appreciable portion of the complaints of those who volunteered for the Veterans Affairs’ Gulf War Registry, and further investigation is warranted.

Comment in: Gulf War Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome: stirring the cauldron of confusion. [Arch Environ Health. 1999]


Source: Kipen HM, Hallman W, Kang H, Fiedler N, Natelson BH. Prevalence of chronic fatigue and chemical sensitivities in Gulf Registry Veterans. Arch Environ Health. 1999 Sep-Oct;54(5):313-8.



Work in multiple laboratories on paraoxonase polymorphism has shown that this mammal enzyme protects against chlorpyrifos and other organophosphates differentially, depending on which inherited forms of the enzyme predominate. This variable ability to process pesticides exists in humans and is trackable ethnically (1), and very recent articles have suggested the polymorphism may be responsible for host susceptibility to Gulf War syndrome (2,3). Because my own interest is in multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) mechanisms, I immediately searched Medline (National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD) for publications that included paraoxonase and MCS, fibromyalgia, or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which have been suggested as being overlapping or identical with each other and with Gulf War syndrome (4,5). I found no other references at all.

You can read the full article here:


Source: Rowat SC. Paraoxonase/MCS. Environ Health Perspect. 1999 Aug;107(8):A395.


Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and myofascial pain syndrome


Fibromyalgia was almost completely absent from an urban affluent population compared with poor urban and rural communities. Seventeen percent of Gulf War veterans with soft tissue syndromes had fibromyalgia, a much higher rate than was seen in previous studies of rheumatic disease in the military population. A state of central hyperexcitability in the nociceptive system was reported in fibromyalgia. Altered functioning of the stress-response system has been further documented in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Administration of growth hormone to patients with fibromyalgia who have low levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 resulted in improvement in their symptoms and tenderness. An association between chronic fatigue syndrome and initial infections was demonstrated. A correlation between particular immunologic abnormalities and measures of disease severity was documented in chronic fatigue syndrome. Concomitant fibromyalgia in other rheumatic diseases was a major contributor to poor quality of life. A favorable outcome of fibromyalgia in children was reported; the majority of patients improved over 2 to 3 years of follow-up. Treatment of patients with fibromyalgia continues to be of limited success.


Source: Buskila D. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and myofascial pain syndrome. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 1999 Mar;11(2):119-26.


Human herpesviruses in chronic fatigue syndrome


We have conducted a double-blind study to assess the possible involvement of the human herpesviruses (HHVs) HHV6, HHV7, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and cytomegalovirus in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients compared to age-, race-, and gender-matched controls.

The CFS patient population was composed of rigorously screened civilian and Persian Gulf War veterans meeting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s CFS case definition criteria. Healthy control civilian and veteran populations had no evidence of CFS or any other exclusionary medical or psychiatric condition. Patient peripheral blood mononuclear cells were analyzed by PCR for the presence of these HHVs.

Using two-tailed Fisher’s exact test analyses, we were unable to ascertain any statistically significant differences between the CFS patient and control populations in terms of the detection of one or more of these viruses. This observation was upheld when the CFS populations were further stratified with regard to the presence or absence of major axis I psychopathology and patient self-reported gradual versus acute onset of disease. In tandem, we performed serological analyses of serum anti-EBV and anti-HHV6 antibody titers and found no significant differences between the CFS and control patients.


Source: Wallace HL 2nd, Natelson B, Gause W, Hay J. Human herpesviruses in chronic fatigue syndrome. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 1999 Mar;6(2):216-23. (Full article)


Developing case definitions for symptom-based conditions: the problem of specificity

Symptom-based conditions are postulated organic diseases that are characterized primarily by chronic physical (somatic) symptoms (1, 2). Contemporary conditions associated with multisystem complaints are generally referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivities, silicone associated atypical rheumatic disease, sick building syndrome, and most recently, Gulf War syndrome (table 1). Possibly related disorders that will not be considered in the following analysis include epidemic neuromyasthenia, hyperventilation syndrome, reactive hypoglycemia, post-lyme disease syndrome, and irritable bowel syndrome (3).

Although the need to consistently define symptombased conditions has been repeatedly emphasized, there has been limited progress in establishing widely accepted diagnostic criteria (1,4). Based on reports in English-language publications, symptom-based conditions were analyzed to determine why it has been difficult to develop case definitions of unique diseases.

You can read the rest of this article here:


Source: Hyams KC. Developing case definitions for symptom-based conditions: the problem of specificity. Epidemiol Rev. 1998;20(2):148-56. (Full article)

Changes in immune parameters seen in Gulf War veterans but not in civilians with chronic fatigue syndrome


The purpose of this study was to evaluate immune function through the assessment of lymphocyte subpopulations (total T cells, major histocompatibility complex [MHC] I- and II-restricted T cells, B cells, NK cells, MHC II-restricted T-cell-derived naive and memory cells, and several MHC I-restricted T-cell activation markers) and the measurement of cytokine gene expression (interleukin 2 [IL-2], IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, gamma interferon [IFN-gamma], and tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-alpha]) from peripheral blood lymphocytes.

Subjects included two groups of patients meeting published case definitions for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)-a group of veterans who developed their illness following their return home from participating in the Gulf War and a group of nonveterans who developed the illness sporadically. Case control comparison groups were comprised of healthy Gulf War veterans and nonveterans, respectively.

We found no significant difference for any of the immune variables in the nonveteran population. In contrast, veterans with CFS had significantly more total T cells and MHC II+ T cells and a significantly higher percentage of these lymphocyte subpopulations, as well as a significantly lower percentage of NK cells, than the respective controls.

In addition, veterans with CFS had significantly higher levels of IL-2, IL-10, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha than the controls. These data do not support the hypothesis of immune dysfunction in the genesis of CFS for sporadic cases of CFS but do suggest that service in the Persian Gulf is associated with an altered immune status in veterans who returned with severe fatiguing illness.


Source: Zhang Q, Zhou XD, Denny T, Ottenweller JE, Lange G, LaManca JJ, Lavietes MH, Pollet C, Gause WC, Natelson BH. Changes in immune parameters seen in Gulf War veterans but not in civilians with chronic fatigue syndrome. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol. 1999 Jan;6(1):6-13. (Full article)


Medical evaluation of Persian Gulf veterans with fatigue and/or chemical sensitivity


The purpose of this study was to determine if Gulf War veterans with complaints of severe fatigue and/or chemical sensitivity (n = 72) fulfill case definitions for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and/or multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and to compare the characteristics of those veterans who received a diagnosis of CFS (n = 24) to a group of non-veterans diagnosed with CFS (n = 95).

Thirty-three veterans received a diagnosis of CFS with 14 having MCS concurrently; an additional six had MCS but did not fulfill a case definition for CFS. The group of fatigued veterans receiving a diagnosis of CFS was comprised of significantly fewer women and fewer Caucasians than the civilian group, and significantly fewer veterans reported a sudden onset to their illness.

Veterans with CFS had a milder form of the illness than their civilian counterparts based on medical examiner assessment of the severity of the symptoms, reported days of reduced activity, and ability to work. Since CFS in veterans seems less severe than that seen in civilians, the prognosis for recovery of veterans with this disorder may be better.


Source: Pollet C, Natelson BH, Lange G, Tiersky L, DeLuca J, Policastro T, Desai P, Ottenweller JE, Korn L, Fiedler N, Kipen H. Medical evaluation of Persian Gulf veterans with fatigue and/or chemical sensitivity. J Med. 1998;29(3-4):101-13.


Gulf War illnesses: complex medical, scientific and political paradox


Gulf War illnesses are a collection of disorders that for the most part can be diagnosed and treated, if effective programmes exist to assist veterans, and in some cases their immediate family members.

Although these illnesses are complex and have multi-organ signs and symptoms, a proportion of these patients can be identified as having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) and/or Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS).

Although there are many possible causes of CSF/ME/FMS, chronic infections can explain, at least in a subset of patients, the apparent transmission of these illnesses to family members and the appearance of chronic, multi-organ and auto-immune signs and symptoms. Unfortunately, many veterans who have been diagnosed with chronic infections, such as mycoplasmal infections, cannot obtain adequate treatment for their condition, resulting in their reliance on private physicians and clinics for assistance. This lack of response may ultimately be responsible for the transmission of the illness to non-veterans.


Source: Nicolson GL, Nicolson NL. Gulf War illnesses: complex medical, scientific and political paradox. Med Confl Surviv. 1998 Apr-Jun;14(2):156-65.


Epstein-Barr virus infection in Desert Storm reservists


Approximately 150 U.S. Army reservists from Indiana reported symptoms consistent with chronic fatigue syndrome after returning stateside from the tour of duty in Saudi Arabia. A psychiatric team confirmed the diagnosis, evaluated possible etiology, and treated the service members when appropriate. Those available service members who met the study’s diagnostic criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome (n = 37) received an Epstein-Barr virus panel. Seventy-three percent of these selected service members were positive either for an acute or reactivated Epstein-Barr viral infection. These data suggest that service members who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome may have their symptoms increased and prolonged by secondary viral infections.


Source: Carver LA, Connallon PF, Flanigan SJ, Crossley-Miller MK. Epstein-Barr virus infection in Desert Storm reservists. Mil Med. 1994 Aug;159(8):580-2.