Serum concentrations of 2′,5′-oligoadenylate synthetase, neopterin, and beta-glucan in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and in patients with major depression

Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterised by debilitating severe fatigue persisting for more than six months. Furthermore, it is associated with physical symptoms, such as mild fever, sore throat, arthralgia, and myalgia, as well as psychological symptoms such as headache, insomnia, depressive state, and neuropsychiatric symptoms. It has often been claimed that the onset of chronic fatigue syndrome follows an infection or infection-like illness; hence a certain microorganism(s) or virus may cause it. Another possible candidate for inducing chronic fatigue syndrome is cellular or humoral immune dysfunction, which has been found in patients with the disease. There is controversy also as to whether or not chronic fatigue syndrome and major depression (mood disorder) represent different entities.

Mild fever, pharyngitis, and lymphadenopathy, which are suggestive of the existence of inflammation, are often associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, but the peripheral leucocyte count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and C-reactive protein concentration are usually normal in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Hence, it is possible that certain cytokines may produce the symptoms in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and, possibly, those with major depression. For example, interferon is known to cause fever, fatigue, and psychoneurological abnormalities. We conducted this study to clarify whether or not 2′,5′-oligoadenylate synthetase (2,5-AS), neopterin, adenosine deaminase, endotoxin, or B-glucan participate in the pathogenesis of chronic fatigue syndrome.

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Source: Matsuda J, Gohchi K, Gotoh N. Serum concentrations of 2′,5′-oligoadenylate synthetase, neopterin, and beta-glucan in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and in patients with major depression. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1994 Aug;57(8):1015-6.


Fibromyalgia, sleep disorder and chronic fatigue syndrome


Various research studies show that the amalgam of disordered sleep physiology, chronic fatigue, diffuse myalgia, and cognitive and behavioural symptoms constitutes a non-restorative sleep syndrome that may follow a febrile illness, as in the chronic fatigue syndrome. Where rheumatic complaints are prominent such a constellation of disturbed sleep physiology and symptoms also characterizes the fibromyalgia disorder.

In contrast to the chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia is associated with a variety of initiating or perpetuating factors such as psychologically distressing events, primary sleep disorders (e.g. sleep apnoea, periodic limb movement disorder) and inflammatory rheumatic disease, as well as an acute febrile illness.

The chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia have similar disordered sleep physiology, namely an alpha rhythm disturbance (7.5-11 Hz) in the electroencephalogram (EEG) within non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep that accompanies increased nocturnal vigilance and light, unrefreshing sleep. Aspects of cytokine and cellular immune functions are shown to be related to the sleep-wake system.

The evidence suggests a reciprocal relationship of the immune and sleep-wake systems. Interference either with the immune system (e.g. by a viral agent or by cytokines such as alpha-interferon or interleukin 2) or with the sleeping-waking brain system (e.g. by sleep deprivation) has effects on the other system and will be accompanied by the symptoms of the chronic fatigue syndrome.


Source: Moldofsky H. Fibromyalgia, sleep disorder and chronic fatigue syndrome. Ciba Found Symp. 1993;173:262-71; discussion 272-9.


alpha-Interferon and 5-fluorouracil: possible mechanisms of antitumor action


We have treated 17 patients with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU, 300 mg/m2/d by continuous ambulatory infusion for 8 weeks) and interferon alfa-2b (escalating doses to cohorts of three to five patients, given subcutaneously on a daily schedule at 2.0, 3.5, 5.0, and 10.0 x 10(6) IU/m2). The two major toxicities observed were mucositis, which occurred in 10 patients at 2 weeks and required interruption of therapy and 5-FU dose reduction, and chronic fatigue syndrome, which required reduction of the dose of interferon alfa-2b.

Other toxicities seen included elevation in BUN/creatinine, elevation in liver function tests, alopecia, diarrhea, confusion, and myelosuppression. No toxic deaths occurred. Five responses were observed: two complete responses, two partial responses, and one minor response, all in patients with gastrointestinal malignancy; three of the responding patients had previously failed 5-FU-containing regimens.

When we measured 5-FU plasma levels in nine of our patients, they were at or below 1 ng/mL in most patients; however, within 1 hour of administration of interferon alfa-2b, plasma levels rose 16-fold. This elevation of 5-FU levels persisted for at least 24 hours, and could not be accounted for on the basis of altered interleukin-6 levels. When the regimen was tested in eight patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma as part of a pilot study, three partial responses were observed, and no patient developed disease progression while on treatment. The combination of 5-FU, given by continuous infusion, and interferon alfa-2b, given daily, appears worthy of advancement to phase II trials.


Source: Meadows LM, Walther P, Ozer H. alpha-Interferon and 5-fluorouracil: possible mechanisms of antitumor action. Semin Oncol. 1991 Oct;18(5 Suppl 7):71-6.