Chronic fatigue syndrome: what role does the autonomic nervous system play in the pathophysiology of this complex illness?


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a serious health concern affecting over 800000 Americans of all ages, races and socioeconomic groups and both genders. The etiology and pathophysiology of CFS are unknown, yet studies have suggested an involvement of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). A symposium was organized in December 2000 to explore the possibility of an association between ANS dysfunction and CFS, with special emphasis on the interactions between ANS dysfunction and other abnormalities noted in the immune and endocrine systems of individuals with CFS. This paper represents the consensus of the panel of experts who participated in this meeting.

Copyright 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel


Source: Gerrity TR, Bates J, Bell DS, Chrousos G, Furst G, Hedrick T, Hurwitz B, Kula RW, Levine SM, Moore RC, Schondorf R. Chronic fatigue syndrome: what role does the autonomic nervous system play in the pathophysiology of this complex illness? Neuroimmunomodulation. 2002-2003;10(3):134-41.


Chronic fatigue syndrome: a risk factor for osteopenia?


No data documenting a possible depletion of bone mineral density in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are currently available. However, recent pathophysiological observations in CFS patients may have deleterious consequences on bone density.

Firstly, the deregulation of the 2,5A synthetase RNase L antiviral pathway and its associated channelopathy, implicates increased demands for calcium and consequent increased calcium-re-absorption from the skeletal system.

Secondly, Mycoplasma fermentans which has been frequently associated with CFS, produces a lipopeptide, named 2-kDa macrophage-activating lipopeptide (MALP-2), which stimulates macrophages. MALP-2 has been shown to enhance bone resorption in a dose-dependent manner, at least in part by stimulating the formation of prostaglandins.

Thirdly, decreased levels of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) have been reported in CFS-patients. IGF-I is critical to the proliferation of osteoblasts. Consequently, depleted levels of IGF-I may shift the balance between osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity towards bone resorption.


Source: Nijs J, De Meirleir K, Englebienne P, McGregor N. Chronic fatigue syndrome: a risk factor for osteopenia? Med Hypotheses. 2003 Jan;60(1):65-8.