Chronic fatigue syndromes: relationship to chronic viral infections

Abstract :

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a newly-recognized clinical entity characterized by chronic, debilitating fatigue lasting longer than six months. Common associated findings are chronic and recurrent fever, pharyngitis, myalgias, adenopathy, arthralgias, difficulties in cognition and disorders of mood. In the majority of patients, the illness starts suddenly with an acute, ‘flu-like’ illness.

The following abnormalities are seen with some frequency although none are seen in all patients: lymphocytosis, atypical lymphocytosis, monocytosis, elevation of hepatocellular enzymes, low levels of antinuclear antibodies, low levels of immune complexes.

Clinical and serologic studies suggest an association of CFS with all of the human herpesviruses, particularly Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and the recently-discovered human B-lymphotropic virus (HBLV) or human herpesvirus-6; neither EBV nor HBLV has yet been shown to play a causal role in the illness.


Source: Komaroff AL. Chronic fatigue syndromes: relationship to chronic viral infections. J Virol Methods. 1988 Sep;21(1-4):3-10.


A cluster of patients with a chronic mononucleosis-like syndrome. Is Epstein-Barr virus the cause?


A cluster of 134 patients who had undergone Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) serological testing because of suspected chronic EBV syndrome was investigated in Nevada.

Fifteen case-patients were identified who had severe, persistent fatigue of undetermined etiology for more than two months. When compared with the remaining 119 patients who had less severe illnesses and with 30 age-, sex-, and race-matched control-persons, these 15 patients had significantly higher antibody titers against various components of EBV and against cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex and measles viruses. Epstein-Barr virus serology could not reliably differentiate individual case-patients from the others, and the reproducibility of the tests within and among laboratories was poor.

As a group, the case-patients appear to have had a syndrome that is characterized by chronic fatigue, fever, sore throat, and lymphadenopathy. The relationship of this fatigue syndrome to EBV is unclear; further studies are needed to determine its etiology.


Source: Holmes GP, Kaplan JE, Stewart JA, Hunt B, Pinsky PF, Schonberger LB. A cluster of patients with a chronic mononucleosis-like syndrome. Is Epstein-Barr virus the cause? JAMA. 1987 May 1;257(17):2297-302.