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The mineral zinc plays an important role in the more than 70 enzyme systems that regulate most metabolic processes. It stimulates digestion, aids in extracting stores of vitamin A from the liver, helps maintain the mucous lining of the mouth, throat, stomach, and intestines, is vital for the normal growth of hair, skin, and nails, controls sexual maturation and fertility (zinc deficiency in men can lead to infertility), and aids in the healing of wounds. Zinc is necessary for the utilization of vitamin B6, a vitamin which is crucial for nervous system function. It also helps improve immune responses, although excessive intake of zinc (more than 50 mg) can suppress immune function. (High doses of zinc also deplete copper.)

USES IN ME/CFS: Patients take zinc to help relieve sore throat and other viral symptoms. In a 2005 study, researchers found that serum levels of zinc were lower in ME/CFS patients than in controls. In addition, low serum zinc status was related to signs of inflammation and defects in early T cell activation pathways. Since zinc is a strong antioxidant, the results of this study support previous findings that ME/CFS is accompanied by increased oxidative stress.

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