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DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a naturally occurring adrenal hormoneĀ produced in the adrenal cortex that generates the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. It is the most common hormone in the blood and is found in greatest concentrations in the brain. Perhaps because DHEA levels decrease with age, it has been called "the fountain of youth." A substantial body of research has provided evidence that DHEA may help the elderly by strengthening bones and muscles, decreasing joint pain, and improving sleep and mood. In addition to influencing hormone production, DHEA has several effects on immune system function, not the least of which is the regulation of lymphokine production.

A study conducted in 1993 by researchers at the University of Tennessee showed that DHEA decreases the amount of circulating interleukin-6 (a potent bone resorber and pro-inflammatory cytokine) and enhances the function of natural killer cells. Another study conducted in 1998 confirmed an inverse correlation between DHEA levels and IL-6 (as DHEA drops, IL-6 increases). DHEA has also been used to treat osteoporosis. A twelve-month study conducted in Canada confirmed that in post-menopausal women the application of DHEA in the form of 10% cream stimulated bone formation.

USES IN ME/CFS: Inspired by mounting evidence of adrenal cortical hypofunction in ME/CFS, clinicians have tested for blood levels of DHEA in patients. Some have discovered lower than normal levels. Based on these results, low doses of DHEA have been administered in hopes of raising immune function and normalizing the metabolic and endocrine disturbances that commonly accompany ME/CFS. It is believed that DHEA could also act as an antiviral agent because testosterone, a DHEA derivative, has demonstrable antiviral effects.

NOTE: Not all ME/CFS patients have low levels of DHEA. Before embarking on a course of DHEA, make sure to have your DHEA level tested.

Treatment rating for DHEA

Rating keys:

1=LOW (I would not recommend this treatment)

5=HIGH (This treatment helped me a great deal)

Rating Side Effects Reason for Treatment Dosage / Duration Age Sex M/F # of years Ill Additional Comments Illness Severity Date Added
1 Extreme adrenal. Extreme anxiety. Prescribed for energy as the "youth drug" 3 day Don't remember 2X day 53 Female 20 Took a week or 2 to settle after stopped taking it. Moderate/Severe 09/18/19