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Pacing is a system in which ME/CFS patients learn to stay within their limits.

USES IN ME/CFS: Pacing was developed as an extension of the advice ME/CFS doctors usually give their patients: Don't push it. Although this may seem logical, many moderately or recently ill ME/CFS patients are deceived by the waxing and waning pattern of their symptoms. As a consequence, they attempt to resume “life as usual” long before they have recovered. These efforts are almost always followed by a crash. Pacing is merely the formalized means by which a patient learns to find his or her limits.

Treatment rating for Pacing

Rating keys:

1=LOW (I would not recommend this treatment)

5=HIGH (This treatment helped me a great deal)

Rating Side Effects Reason for Treatment Dosage / Duration Age Sex M/F # of years Ill Additional Comments Illness Severity Date Added
4 limiting all activity could get frustrating at times feeling ill after activity 1 month limit all activity to 10 mins then stop for break 30X day 66 Female 2 Moderate/Severe 12/13/17
5 To preserve energy and stop crash and burn cycle 4 year N/A 10X day 53 Female 20 Most useful. Don't crash and burn and overdo things Moderate/Severe 09/18/19
4 Tales awhile to work, and must not stop. Desire to stop when feeling better. (Hooray, I'm cured and don't have to follow the rules anymore) Exhaustion, brain fog, flu-like symptoms, worsening of symptoms. 20 year n/a 10X day 73 Female 8 Moderate/Severe 02/05/23