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Chiropractic is the technique of manipulating the spinal column and body joints to alleviate back or joint pain. The technique was not popularized in the United States until the late 1800s, when D. D. Palmer founded the practice. The central premise of traditional chiropractic is that subtle deviations of the spinal column, called subluxations, can interfere with nerve transmissions, causing various health problems. The chiropractor, by manipulating the vertebrae back into their normal position and giving recommendations about exercise and posture improvement, can remove irritation to the nerves that may be causing pain.

USES IN ME/CFS: Chiropractic is normally used to treat back and joint pain, although it also helps alleviate a broad range of related symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, and sciatica. The traditional form of chiropractic, in which the spine is abruptly "popped" with a sharp hand movement, may place too much strain on sensitive tissues, causing pain. Patients interested in trying chiropractic for the first time might want to try a more gentle form of chiropractic.

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