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Aroma therapy involves use of the distilled essential oils naturally found in plants for healing and cosmetic purposes. For centuries, aromatic oils have been recognized for their medicinal properties. In biblical times, oil of myrrh, which is a powerful antiseptic, was revered for its power to quickly heal surface wounds (hence the significance of the gift of the Magi). When Tutankhamen's tomb was opened in 1922, scent pots of frankincense were found. The range of uses for essential oils appears limitless.

Essential oils can be used to induce sleep (e.g., jasmine), calm the nerves (e.g., valerian, clary sage), clean wounds (e.g., lavender), reduce aches and pains (e.g., rosemary), relieve gas pains (e.g., peppermint), and open respiratory airways (e.g., basil). The mode of action of aromatic oils is complex. A single oil can produce a number of different, and even opposing, effects. Lavender, for example, sedates in small quantities but stimulates in larger quantities.

It is not known how plant oils produce these effects in people, but it has been theorized that smell, our most primordial sense, stimulates a complex set of central nervous system (CNS) reactions that can culminate in emotional and physiological changes. It is well known that the ketones, esters, aldehydes, and alcohols found in plant oils can serve as insect repellents, fungicides, and bactericides. Many oils also have hormone-like properties (for example, hops, fennel, and anise contain estrogens).

USES IN ME/CFS: Aroma therapy may hold promise for the alleviation of some ME/CFS symptoms. Because the olfactory bulbs tie in directly to the limbic system (that part of the brain that processes emotion), essential oils may be useful in alleviating emotional symptoms such as anxiety, anger, and fear. Essential oils can also be effectively used to relieve insomnia and muscle aches. A number of patients who have tried aroma therapy have reported good results in treating anxiety, "jitters," and insomnia, with no negative side effects.

CAUTION: Essential oils cannot be taken internally.

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