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Questran (cholestyramine) is a bile sequestrant; it attaches to bile in the intestines and removes it.

Bile is produced in the liver. When it is released via the gallbladder into the small intestine, it serves to break down fats. Bile is then reabsorbed by the ileum (the portion of the small intestine where it joins the large intestine). In some situations, such as GI surgery or Crohn's disease, the bile is not properly reabsorbed, resulting in a watery green diarrhea. Questran helps bind bile acids, reducing diarrhea. Questran's binding action is useful for the pruritus (itching) experienced by people with liver failure, and for reducing high levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream. Questran also binds to mold toxins, and is used by some alternative doctors to treat “sick building syndrome.”

USES IN ME/CFS: Dr. Shoemaker's treatment of oxidative stress in mold toxicity, chronic Lyme and other bacterial infections with Questran led to its use in ME/CFS. Other than alleviating diarrhea, no other notable effects have been documented in ME/CFS patients.

Treatment rating for Questran (cholestyramine)

Rating keys:

1=LOW (I would not recommend this treatment)

5=HIGH (This treatment helped me a great deal)

Rating Side Effects Reason for Treatment Dosage / Duration Age Sex M/F # of years Ill Additional Comments Illness Severity Date Added
4 Mild bloating first few days. Feeling of fullness. Taken with magnesium and prebiotic fiber to prevent constipation. Higher doses cause too much bloating and fullness. Prescribed for pain, fatigue, autonomic symptoms, mcs etc and past chemical exposures. This medication has been shown to remove persistent toxins such as perfluorinated compounds PFOA, from the body. Some doctors find that ME symptoms can be caused by toxic injury. 3 week 2 g 3X day 48 Female 15 I hope it helps in the long run! Moderate 10/27/19