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Oxycodone (brand names: Oxycontin, Oxecta, and Roxicodone) is a semisynthetic opioid analgesic made from alkaloids found in the opium poppy. Oxycodone may be habit-forming.

USES in ME/CFS: Oxycodone is prescribed for effective relief of moderate to severe pain.

Treatment rating for Oxycodone

Rating keys:

1=LOW (I would not recommend this treatment)

5=HIGH (This treatment helped me a great deal)

Rating Side Effects Reason for Treatment Dosage / Duration Age Sex M/F # of years Ill Additional Comments Illness Severity Date Added
5 None The severe pain head to toe 5 year 30mg 4X day 39 Female 6 This is the ONLY medicine that will take my pain ALMOST away, I had tried everything before but nothing worked. Moderate/Severe 10/13/19