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Adderall and Ritalin (methylphenidate) are central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. They are most commonly prescribed to treat ADD.

USES IN ME/CFS: Some clinicians use Adderall and Ritalin to treat fatigue and cognitive impairment. These medications must be used with caution in the ME/CFS population as stimulants may cause a worsening of symptoms.


Treatment rating for Adderall, Ritalin (methylphenidate)

Rating keys:

1=LOW (I would not recommend this treatment)

5=HIGH (This treatment helped me a great deal)

Rating Side Effects Reason for Treatment Dosage / Duration Age Sex M/F # of years Ill Additional Comments Illness Severity Date Added
2 Jittery. To try and increase energy and cognition. 60 day 30 2X day 45 Female 34 Moderate/Severe 06/21/18
4 No side effects. I perks me up like coffee without the jitters. It gives me energy and helps me to focus. 3 year 5 mg 2X week 60 Female 36 I only take it once or twice a week. If taken everyday my body might get used to it and I would require a higher dose. It's great for days when I need more energy. Moderate/Severe 07/04/18
3 VIVID Nightmares, voices, noises and music in my head especially as I felt like I was trying to fall asleep, but in actuality I was already asleep Energy 2 year 20mg 1X day 43 Female 19 I had the most difficult time determining if Adderall (XR) was providing me with additional energy or not. I knew for sure that regular Adderall was NOT helpful, but it seemed as though the XR did help some. I was terrified that if/when I came off of it I would experience a terrible crash, especially after I was on it for a couple of years, taking it daily. But my nightmares had become so awful, they were more like night terrors. I would wake up screaming. And the voices and music in my ears as I was trying to sleep was exhausting too. I would have to wake myself up enough to turn over and go back to sleep just to get it to stop. That was adding to my exhaustion, so I figured I was damned if I do, damned if I don't. Luckily, when I stopped cold turkey I didn't experience ANY side effects or issues with "dependance". Just my plain, old sucky ME. I've been off of it for many months and still don't notice any difference one way or another. Moderate/Severe 08/28/18
5 A basketful of side-effects that together looked like the list of symptoms of ADD. As an experimental treatment for Chronic fatigue. 20 year 30mg 2X day 66 Male 29 Adderall XR is the only treatment I've tried that significantly improved my level of functioning. Moderate 09/14/19