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Chamomile (Matricaria chamomila [German chamomile]; Anthemis nobilis [Roman chamomile]) is a member of the daisy family. It is currently one of the most popular herbs in the United States and is widely used as an herb tea, in shampoos and soaps, and in skin-care products. Chamomile has been known as a sedative and antifever medicine since ancient times and was used by Greek and Roman physicians to treat a variety of ailments.

Contemporary herbalists recommend chamomile to treat digestive problems and ulcers, to prevent the spread of infections, and to reduce inflammation. Because chamomile is an antispasmodic, it has also been used to lessen the severity of menstrual cramps. Perhaps the most interesting effect of this herb is its ability to stimulate the immune system. British researchers discovered that chamomile increases macrophages and B lymphocytes.

USES IN ME/CFS: Patients have a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime to help with insomnia and to alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms. 

CAUTION: People with ragweed allergies should not consume chamomile.

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