Chronic fatigue syndrome


During the past two decades, there has been heated debate about chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) among researchers, practitioners, and patients. Few illnesses have been discussed so extensively. The existence of the disorder has been questioned, its underlying pathophysiology debated, and an effective treatment opposed; patients’ organisations have participated in scientific discussions.

In this review, we look back on several controversies over CFS with respect to its definition, diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment. We review issues of epidemiology and clinical manifestations, focusing on the scientific status of CFS. Modern neuroscience and genetics research offer interesting findings for new hypotheses on the aetiology and pathogenesis of the illness. We also discuss promising future issues, such as psychopathophysiology and mechanisms of improvement, and suggest multidisciplinary prospective studies of CFS and fatigue in the general population. These studies should pay particular attention to similarities to and differences from functional somatic syndromes and other fatiguing conditions.

Comment in:

Chronic fatigue syndrome. [Lancet. 2006]

Chronic fatigue syndrome. [Lancet. 2006]


Source: Prins JB, van der Meer JW, Bleijenberg G. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Lancet. 2006 Jan 28;367(9507):346-55.


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