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SAMe (S-Adenosyl methionine), is a primary methyl group donor that is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters. SAMe (pronounced “Sammy”) is a cornerstone in the methylation cycle, which is the biochemical process through which amino acids are transformed into neurotransmitters. (SAMe's contribution of its methyl group (CH2) is what converts an amino acid into a neurotransmitter.) It should not come as a surprise that SAMe plays a key role in mood, nervous system regulation, and maintaining energy levels, since all of these are regulated by neurotransmitters.

Because SAMe is a primary methyl group donor, early researchers concluded that depression could be linked to the methylation cycle. Since that time, there have been dozens of studies confirming the efficacy of SAMe in treating depression.

USES IN ME/CFS: Rich Van Konynenburg proposed that in ME/CFS there is a partial block of the methylation cycle. This would cause a depletion of ATP, as well as reductions in neurotransmitters, detoxing agents such as glutathione, and impairment of normal immune system function. Because SAMe is a vital component of the methylation cycle, it may serve as an all-round support.

Treatment rating for SAMe (S-Adenosyl methionine)

Rating keys:

1=LOW (I would not recommend this treatment)

5=HIGH (This treatment helped me a great deal)

Rating Side Effects Reason for Treatment Dosage / Duration Age Sex M/F # of years Ill Additional Comments Illness Severity Date Added
5 none I have the MTHFR gene. 6 year 20mg 1X day 57 Female 28 Moderate/Severe 02/02/23