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Magnesium is one of the six major minerals classified as essential for the functioning of the human body. The average human body contains about 25 grams of magnesium salts, about half of which is stored in the bones and one-fourth in muscle. Only about 2% circulates freely in the blood. The rest is located within the cells. Blood levels of magnesium are controlled by the kidneys.

Magnesium is necessary for relaying nervous system impulses and for normal metabolism of calcium and potassium. Much like a vitamin, magnesium functions as a coenzyme, aiding in enzyme systems, storage and release of energy generated from carbohydrates, and synthesis of proteins and DNA. Magnesium deficiency can result in anorexia, nausea, learning disabilities, personality changes, weakness, exhaustion, and muscle pain. According to the USDA,  68% of Americans do not consume the daily recommended intake for magnesium.

USES IN ME/CFS: Nearly every ME/CFS physician includes either injectable or oral magnesium as part of their protocol. In early 1991, I.M. Cox, M.J. Campbell, and D. Dowson published a preliminary study on magnesium levels in ME/CFS patients (Lancet, 1991). All 22 patients studied had reduced levels of serum magnesium.

They followed up their findings with a randomized clinical study in which 15 of the patients received intramuscular injections of magnesium sulfate every week for six weeks and 17 received a placebo. Of the 15 patients receiving magnesium, 12 reported improvement in symptoms. Although subsequent studies have not confirmed low serum levels of magnesium to be universal among ME/CFS patients, magnesium is still the most frequently recommended mineral supplement for patients with ME/CFS.

Treatment rating for Magnesium

Rating keys:

1=LOW (I would not recommend this treatment)

5=HIGH (This treatment helped me a great deal)

Rating Side Effects Reason for Treatment Dosage / Duration Age Sex M/F # of years Ill Additional Comments Illness Severity Date Added
3 Nil CFS/ME 6 month 1 x 1000mg 1X day 31 Female 11 I might be more ill if I wasn't taking magnesium but hard to gauge how helpful. I took the powder form for 5 years prior to this capsule dosage. Moderate 09/16/19
5 None Prescribed for palpitations muscle weakness 19 year 1300mg 1X day 53 Female 20 Was bedridden. It strengthened my muscles enough to stand and walk. Moderate/Severe 09/18/19
4 None Muscle spasms from CFS 10 month 350mg 1X day 20 Male 4 Significantly reduced muscle spasms. Had no other effect. Moderate 12/26/21