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 Effexor is chemically unrelated to the other antidepressants and has a unique mode of action, blocking serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine reuptake.

USES IN ME/CFS: Many patients report that Effexor worsens anxiety, and, paradoxically, depression. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe, including dizziness, nausea and headaches. Dr. Jay Goldstein commented that, while Effexor may have been marketed as "the best thing since sliced bread," his experience taught him to view it simply as another alternative treatment, rather than the most effective antidepressant (CFIDS Chronicle, Physicians Forum, Fall 1993). Dr. Goldstein reported nausea and hypertension as possible side effects.

Treatment rating for Effexor (venlafaxine)

Rating keys:

1=LOW (I would not recommend this treatment)

5=HIGH (This treatment helped me a great deal)

Rating Side Effects Reason for Treatment Dosage / Duration Age Sex M/F # of years Ill Additional Comments Illness Severity Date Added
5 Anxiety, hypertension chronic fatigue syndrome 3 day 30 mg 1X day 47 Female 3 It really helped my fatigue and sleepiness, but I had to go off of it because of high blood pressure. Moderate/Severe 12/22/18
5 None that I can remember, so if I had any they went away quickly. Since I had been sick for 2 years with an unknown autoimmune disease, the doctors were afraid depression would set in. I was finally diagnosed with CFS/Fibromyalgia. 5 year 75 mg 1X day 58 Male 7 This medicine reduces anxiety and helps a little with the pain. Moderate/Severe 08/14/19