Chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis

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Chronic fatigue syndrome. Distinguish between syndromes… [BMJ. 1994]

Chronic fatigue syndrome. Role of psychological factors overemphasised. [BMJ. 1994]


Editor,-Our recent editorial on the chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis prompted considerable correspondence,’ which raised issues of case definition, clinical management, and attitudes towards people with psychiatric illnesses. Sadly, many of our critics show that the editor of the BMJ is wrong to state in the “editor’s choice” in the issue of 14 May that “only the naivest medical students think that diseases have some independent, objective reality.” Medical students show greater intellectual sophistication in tackling the classification of ill defined illnesses than many patients and doctors-and particularly medical practitioners with self diagnosed myalgic encephalomyelitis.

Case definition-Ellen M Goudsmit’ and Nick Anderson’ assert that research criteria for the chronic fatigue syndrome fail to distinguish myalgic encephalomyelitis and exaggerate psychiatric associations. The best replicated research finding, however, is that patients suffer substantial emotional morbidity, whether the chronic fatigue syndrome is defined by British or, as patient groups prefer, Australian or American criteria. All three sets of criteria can be used to identify cases on a continuum of fatigue, which includes myalgic encephalomyelitis. We did not cite DO Ho-Yen’s prevalence study as it used an idiosyncratic definition of cases of the ‘chronic fatigue syndrome and surveyed doctors’ diagnoses rather than patients.

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Source: Lawrie SM, Pelosi AJ. Chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis. BMJ. 1994 Jul 23;309(6949):275.


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