AIM: To identify whether general practitioners accept the validity of a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
METHOD: An anonymous questionnaire was sent out to 98 general practitioners in Otago.
RESULTS: The clinical validity of chronic fatigue syndrome was accepted by 74 (90%); 57 believed they had sufficient knowledge about the condition to make a differential diagnosis; 72 indicated they had had patients with chronic fatigue syndrome in the past; 62 currently had patients; there is a minimum prevalence rate of 167/100,000 in the general practice population; 83 replies were received.
CONCLUSION: The 90% acceptance rate of chronic fatigue syndrome as a clinically valid diagnosis suggests that amongst the Otago general practitioners the controversy had receded. The low numbers suggest that they are on the conservative end of the diagnostic spectrum.
Source: Denz-Penhey H, Murdoch JC. General practitioners acceptance of the validity of chronic fatigue syndrome as a diagnosis. N Z Med J. 1993 Apr 14;106(953):122-4. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8474729