Antidepressant therapy in the chronic fatigue syndrome


The chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition receiving increasing recognition. Symptoms of depression are not infrequent and may be persistent and severe enough to warrant treatment. The controversy over the use of antidepressant therapy in this condition may present a dilemma for the general practitioner considering possible treatments. This paper draws on the literature and on the authors’ own observations of patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome to suggest guidelines for the use of antidepressant therapy.

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Chronic fatigue syndrome. [Br J Gen Pract. 1991]

Chronic fatigue syndrome. [Br J Gen Pract. 1991]


Source: Lynch S, Seth R, Montgomery S. Antidepressant therapy in the chronic fatigue syndrome. Br J Gen Pract. 1991 Aug;41(349):339-42.

Note: You can read the full article here:


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