The global challenges of the long COVID-19


COVID-19 may lead to a perseverance of symptoms after recovery from the disease, a condition known as long COVID, characterized by continual cognitive, somatic and behavioral symptoms. SARS-CoV-2 infection triggers different molecular to tissue level events, given by the inherent features of each patient. The potential pathological changes which determine the array of symptoms are arduous to anticipate.

There is an increasing interest to develop treatment strategies for survivors who experience a long COVID. In this respect, considering the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and cytoprotective effects of melatonin (MEL) on viral infections, its potential links with COVID-19 should be researched. Several studies suggest that administration of MEL may prevent clinical deterioration and even death in patients with acute and long COVID-19.

This paper briefly reviews the current status of knowledge of the pathogenic, clinical, and therapeutic features of Long COVID-19 and forthcoming directions for research and implications for the management and therapy of the disease are analyzed.

Source: Leonor Chacin-Bonilla. The global challenges of the long COVID-19. Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports. ISSN 2766-7820 (Full text)

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