Diagnostic value of 24-h ECG recording in Long COVID patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome


Background: Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction (CVAD) is a major complication for a large proportion of Long COVID (LC) patients. The main phenotype of CVAD is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), commonly observed as a sequalae of COVID infection, thus defining a subset of LC patients. POTS is a cardiovascular autonomic disorder characterized by an excessive heart rate (HR) increase and symptoms of orthostatic intolerance when assuming upright posture, occurring predominantly in young and middle-aged women. Since the start of COVID-19 pandemic it has been observed that up to 30% of patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome develop POTS with such symptoms as tachycardia, orthostatic intolerance, fatigue, and cognitive impairment. The heterogeneity of POTS symptoms makes the diagnosis and appropriate management of POTS more difficult and one of the first steps for clinicians is to develop and test relevant diagnostic methods for POTS.
Methods: Patients with persistent symptoms, 3 months after an acute SARS-CoV-2 infection were referred to the multi-disciplinary LC unit at a hospital in Sweden. Consecutive patients seen at this unit from 2021 to 2022 underwent a 24-h ECG recording. LC patients with POTS verified by active standing test and/or head-up tilt testing were prospectively enrolled in the study database and were compared with LC patients without POTS according to 3 specific analyses based on 24-h ECG recording : (1) cardiac autonomic activity expressed by heart rate variability, HRV (SDNN and RMSSD in ms) parameters, (2) awakening HR increase (HR mean 10 min before vs. 30 min after awakening) and (3) HR spikes (number/h if at least over than 30 bpm and at least during 30 s). Control group consisted of healthy subjects from 24-h ECG recordings database (HRV analysis) of a hospital in France. Data were expressed as mean (± standard deviation, SD) and frequencies (%).
Results: A total of 120 LC patients (mean age: 42.7 +/-9.97 y, 88% women) and 100 healthy subjects (mean age: 46.4 +/-10.2 y, 82% women) were included. LC with POTS (42%) was associated with (1) a decrease in most HRV parameters (mean SDNN: 86.8 +/-24.3 vs. 108.7 +/-24.1 ms, p=0.03), and the most reduced components were those related to the parasympathetic tone (mean RMSSD: 34,5 +/-20.4 vs. 45.6 +/-22.1 ms, p=0.04), (2) an abrupt and sustained increase in HR during the first 30 min after awakening (+30%, p<0.05) and (3) a higher number of HR spikes per h (1.4 +/-0.8 vs. 0.8 +/-0.7/h, p<0.001) compared with healthy subjects (HRV) and LC patients without POTS (awakenings and HR peaks) respectively.
Conclusion: A triple analysis of 24-h ECG recordings revealed presence of autonomic dysfunction in LC patients with POTS compared with those without POTS. This novel analysis may be introduced in the clinic for screening and therapy monitoring.

Source: D Hupin and others, Diagnostic value of 24-h ECG recording in Long COVID patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, EP Europace, Volume 25, Issue Supplement_1, June 2023, euad122.626, https://doi.org/10.1093/europace/euad122.626 (Full text available as PDF file)

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