Getting help is a priority for people who are ill. This is especially important for ME/CFS patients who have lost their incomes because they are too ill to work. People who are so impoverished that they can’t afford food, clothing, and shelter face a struggle for survival on a daily basis. That struggle can overshadow all others – including the search for physicians and treatments – while patients scramble for their basic needs. The effort to stay alive is all-encompassing.
How will these patients get food to eat, pay their rent, and buy such bare essentials as shoes?
Who will help them when their options run out?
We will! AMMES has distributed over $85,000 to patients who are severely ill to help them with their basic necessities. We have helped pay for housing, medical care, food, utilities, and other essential needs. Please help us help them by spreading the word.
Read more about how AMMES helps people with their basic needs here>>
AMMES is a 501(c)(3) national nonprofit. Your donations are tax deductible.
You can donate to our financial crisis fund HERE.
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