The PACE trial investigated the efficacy of graded exercise therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy for ME/CFS. The design and the implementation of the study were flawed, and the conclusions are contradicted by the data. It is time to reject the study.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320101462_Time_to_Reject_the_PACE_Study [Full article].
This is a translation of an article that was published in slightly shortened form in Läkartidningen, Stockholm, Sweden, on 28 September 2017. http://www.lakartidningen.se/
Link to the shortened article in Swedish: http://www.lakartidningen.se/Opinion/De-batt/2017/09/Dags-att-forkasta-PACE-studien/
Source: Helmfrid S, Edsberg J. Dags att förkasta PACE-studien. Lakartid-ningen. 2017;114:ETLE.