Further commentary on the PACE trial: Biased methods and unreliable outcomes


Geraghty in the year 2016, outlines a range of controversies surrounding publication of results from the PACE trial and discusses a freedom of information case brought by a patient refused access to data from the trial. The PACE authors offer a response, writing ‘Dr Geraghty’s views are based on misunderstandings and misrepresentations of the PACE trial’. This article draws on expert commentaries to further detail the critical methodological failures and biases identified in the PACE trial, which undermine the reliability and credibility of the major findings to emerge from this trial.

Source: Keith J Geraghty. Further commentary on the PACE trial: Biased methods and unreliable outcomes. Journal of Health Psychology, First Published June 14, 2017 Editorial. http://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/iXpCNJk6zd34nFpSy4NK/full (Full article)

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