What causes chronic fatigue?

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Chronic fatigue syndrome comes out of the closet. [CMAJ. 1998]

Chronic fatigue syndrome or just plain tired? [CMAJ. 1998]

Chronic fatigue syndrome get court’s nod of approval as legitimate disorder. [CMAJ. 1998]


Even though the 3 articles on chronic fatigue syndrome 1–3 in the Sept. 8 issue commendably demolish the obsolete claim that chronic fatigue syndrome is a psychiatric illness, they also offer outdated biological explanations for the syndrome, namely, either a chronic viral infection or a weakened immune system. Although the first of these explanations seemed convincing until a few years ago, it is hardly tenable now, because no specific virus has been identified in these patients.4

You can read the rest of this comment here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1230107/pdf/cmaj_160_5_636.pdf


Source: Baschetti R. What causes chronic fatigue? CMAJ. 1999 Mar 9;160(5):636, 638. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1230107/pdf/cmaj_160_5_636.pdf (Full article)


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