Treating chronic fatigue with exercise. Exercise, and rest, should be tailored to individual needs

Comment on: Putting the rest cure to rest–again. BMJ. 1998



Editor – While I welcome Sharpe and Wessely’s reminder about the dangers of bed rest,1 I am concerned about the blanket advice regarding activity levels for patients with chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome is now generally acknowledged to be a heterogeneous condition, not a single entity with a single cause. Accordingly, what may suit one person may be totally inappropriate for another. As research has shown, most patients with chronic fatigue syndrome remain ambulant, spend relatively few daytime hours resting, are no more inactive than people with mild multiple sclerosis, and tend to perform at or near their activity ceiling.2 What these patients need is not a strict programme in which rest is allowed according to a predetermined plan but a flexible approach that does not ignore current energy levels or make people feel guilty if they increase rest periods when they consider this to be right for them.

From a theoretical perspective, inactivity may well be an important factor in chronic fatigue syndrome, but I note that Sharpe and Wessely did not provide a single reference to back their claim that many patients simply “go home and rest,” let alone that most resort to “excessive rest.” Does this mean that the theory that “excessive inactivity” perpetuates chronic fatigue syndrome is based largely on anecdotal reports and articles in magazines? Moreover, in this age of evidence based medicine, discussions of a treatment should mention the negative reports of its efficacy as well as the positive.3,4

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Source: Goudsmit E. Treating chronic fatigue with exercise. Exercise, and rest, should be tailored to individual needs. BMJ. 1998 Aug 29;317(7158):599; author reply 600.


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