Indications for management in long-term, physically unexplained fatigue symptoms


In meetings arranged by the minister of Public Health, Welfare and Sports between general practitioners and specialists concerning chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), suggestions for the diagnosis, treatment and assistance and support of patients with protracted physically unexplained fatiguesymptoms, were established in the light of current scientific insight.

The term ‘CFS’ is applicable in cases of fatigue complaints, of at least 6 months’ standing, reported by the patient himself and evaluated medically, for which no physical explanation has been found and which cause considerable disabilities in professional social and/or personal functioning.

The management depends on the duration of the illness. A distinction is made between an acute phase (up to one month after the first consultation; the policy is mostly expectative), a subacute phase (until 6 months after the onset of the complaints and disabilities; the management is aimed at making the patient accept the condition and persuading him or her to make an effort to promote health) and a chronic phase (from 6 months after the onset of the complaints and disabilities; the management is aimed at health-promoting behaviour and cognitions). Further (laboratory) examinations are useful only if the symptoms have not disappeared after one month (this is the case in approximately 20% of the patients); such examinations may be useful in older patients earlier.

It is important that the CFS patient learns to realize that it is useless to continue to spend energy on searching for causes and possible therapies, but that he should try to promote his own health, for instance by means of a quantified programme of activities linked to a time schedule (instead of to a level of fatigue).

Comment in:

Chronic fatigue syndrome. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1997

Chronic fatigue syndrome. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1997


Source: van der Meer JW, Rijken PM, Bleijenberg G, Thomas S, Hinloopen RJ, Bensing JM. Indications for management in long-term, physically unexplained fatigue symptoms.Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1997 Aug 2;141(31):1516-9. [Article in Dutch]

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