Neither Epstein-Barr virus nor human herpesvirus 6 appears to play a causative role in chronic fatigue syndrome. The possibility that a novel human retrovirus may be present in patients with the syndrome needs further study. A number of abnormalities found in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome point to central nervous system (CNS) involvement. These include immunologic abnormalities, indications of pituitary and hypothalamic involvement, abnormal basal plasma levels of certain neurotransmitter metabolites, and cerebral perfusion abnormalities. The symptom pattern of chronic fatigue syndrome may eventually be explainable in terms of CNS dysfunction.
Source: Bell DS. Chronic fatigue syndrome update. Findings now point to CNS involvement. Postgrad Med. 1994 Nov 1;96(6):73-6, 79-81. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7971614