Chronic fatigue syndrome

Comment on: The chronic fatigue syndrome: what do we know? [BMJ. 1993]


Editor,-In P K Thomas’s succinct review of chronic fatigue syndrome, the extensive morbidity, misery, and misinformation that exists around this subject is not stated. The present situation is also not helped by the majority of medical practitioners having no education in, and little experience of, managing this common disorder.

Irrespective of the cause or the emotional response this syndrome produces in professionals, it creates considerable disability in our communities. The overall prevalence of people who suffer with intrusive fatigue is estimated at 150 000. Many of these (as yet unmeasured) are debilitated to such an extent that they are unable to work and are dependent on carers. It is interesting to note that within the NHS there is at the moment no single unit dedicated or equipped to assess, treat, and provide long term support for such patients. Limited facilities have been provided in beds that are earmarked for other disorders.

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Source: Cox DL, Findley LJ. Chronic fatigue syndrome. BMJ. 1993 Jul 31;307(6899):328.


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