Chronic fatigue: electromyographic and neuropathological evaluation


Single fibre electromyography of extensor digitorum communis muscle (EDC) was performed on 35 patients with chronic fatigue, the majority of whom also had creatine kinase estimation and biopsy of EDC.

The subjects were categorised as having an acute-onset post-viral fatigue syndrome, a non-specific chronic fatigue or possible muscle disease in view of pronounced myalgia.

Of 11 subjects who had myalgia as a significant symptom, abnormalities in fibre density were found in 6, and 5 of these had some non-specific abnormalities on muscle biopsy, with creatine kinase levels being normal in all cases. Fibre density estimation may be a useful way of identifying a subgroup of chronic fatigue sufferers with a possible primary muscle disorder.


Source: Connolly S, Smith DG, Doyle D, Fowler CJ. Chronic fatigue: electromyographic and neuropathological evaluation. J Neurol. 1993 Jul;240(7):435-8.


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