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Research has shown that mushroom extracts have anticancer, anti-diabetes, antibacterial, antifungal, and immune stimulating properties.

USES IN ME/CFS: Although many varieties of mushroom extracts are currently marketed for their medicinal effects, the two mushroom extracts most widely used for ME/CFS are shiitake (LEM), maitake, and cordyceps.

LEM (Lentinus edodes mycelium) is an extract made from the immature shiitake mushroom. Patients use LEM as a treatment for lethargy, weakness, and exhaustion.

Maitake mushrooms are rich in nutrients, including B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and calcium.
In the late 1980s an active constituent in maitake, a beta-glucan compound, was found to enhance immune activity.  Patients use maitake extract as an immune system stimulator, particularly of NK (natural killer) cells.

Cordyceps is a fungus that grows on the larvae of the caterpillar, Hepialus armoricanus Oberthuer, found in China and Tibet. Cordyceps has been used in China to treat a wide range of conditions including fatigue, sexual dysfunction, and coughs. It is an adaptogen and immune stimulant. Patients have reported that cordyceps gives them a boost, reduces “air hunger,” and increases stamina.

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